2-Some Weirdos Come To Visit

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27th August 2015


Just when I thought life could be normal again, it wasn't.

Chiron announced that he wanted to see me, Percy, Jason, Piper, Nico, and Leo in an hour's time.

"Probably just some camp issues," Percy said, though he looked nervous.

In an hour's time, we were seated at the ping-pong table of the rec room. Chiron turned to us with a solemn face.

"Let me guess," Percy said, "It's another quest. Another prophecy. Another set of gods."

I snickered quietly. I happened to know about gods which Percy wasn't aware existed.

"You could say that," Chiron replied. "Eons ago, when the Flame was in London, Hecate, goddess of magic, happened to mingle with many mortals. Some she blessed; some were her children. Over time, these people learned to create magical items with their skills. They are known as wizards and witches. The non-wizards, mortals, which they call Muggles, have no idea of their existence."

Chiron paused. Percy, seated next to me, groaned and put his head in his hands. He mumbled something about how his life would never be peaceful.

"Last May, a teenage wizard named Harry Potter defeated the evil sorcerer known as Lord Voldemort. Voldemort tried to kill Harry when he was a baby, but he survived."

We were all listening raptly now.

"Recently, we have sensed disturbances in (A/N no, not the Force) the magical world. I fear that more dark magic approaches. I will need you to go to Hogwarts, the school of witchcraft and wizardry. Protect Harry Potter. Make sure he comes to no harm."

Leo laughed. "Are you sure that's not the name of a pig disease?"

"Well, it was founded by the four of the greatest wizards who ever lived." Chiron said. "One of them," he looked at me, "was your half-sister."

"Me?" I asked.

"Indeed. Rowena Ravenclaw, descended from Athena and blessed by Hecate. She was the one who suggested the system of using owls to carry wizards' letters to each other.

"We have sent a letter to The Burrow, informing Harry Potter and his friends that you will be staying there until September 1st, when you will take a train to Hogwarts. We already have your luggages packed with the robes, equipment, and spellbooks you will need. You will take the Argo II to Camp Jupiter to pick up Reyna, Frank and Hazel, then travel to The Burrow."

At this point, my brain felt like it had exploded. Why do I always get involved in these things? I had enough trouble for one or two lives. Everyone started talking at once.

"What? Why?"

"But I have a project I meant to finish!"

"I made plans to smack Drew in the face today!"(A/N Yes, this is Piper)

"Listen," Chiron said. "If I had more information, I would give it to you. However, I barely know anything about wizards and witches. Only the teachers know that you are demigods, but you must not tell the students anything about yourselves. It would cause too much panic. Just say that you are exchange students and have come to learn more about the culture of British wizards. Remember to Iris-Message us if there are any important events.

"You have an hour to pack. Go!" Chiron ordered, and we left.

28 August 2015


As we sat down to breakfast that morning, an owl flew through the open window. It was grey, with big, dark, intelligent eyes.

We were used to getting letters-apologies from the Ministry and relatives hearing about Fred's death consolidating us. But when Mrs Weasley opened the letter, she frowned. She scanned through the letter.

She turned to face us, and announced that American exchange students were going to Hogwarts this year, and that they wanted to stay at The Burrow for a few days.

"Mum!" Ron protested. "We can't just let a bunch of strange people stay here! They're bonkers, for all we know!"

"Ron!" she scolded. "We have to be nice. From what this letter says, they have been in dangerous situations before, so they know how to handle themselves well."

"I think it's a great idea," Ginny piped up, glaring at Ron. He scowled.

"All right then," Mrs Weasley said. She picked up quill and parchment and wrote a hasty reply. She gave it to the intelligent-looking grey owl and it flew off.

As we finished our breakfast, she said, "Dears, if they're coming soon, the house has to look nice! Ron and Hermione, please de-gnome the garden for me. Harry and Ginny, sweep the floors. Fred and George-"

Mum faltered. Fred wasn't here.

"George- just- make sure everything's clean," and George, looking more glum then ever, nodded.


We spent the day making the house look spick and span. By evening, we were exhausted.

"Blimey," Ron said, "These Americans better be nice. I worked my bum off for them!"

We went to bed. My head was full of what tomorrow would be like. How many were there? Would we make new friends?

Well, I thought, since we've faced off Lord Voldemort and defeated him, this year should be a piece of cake.

I had no idea what I was in for.


Second chapter! I honestly don't know if the ping-pong table in the rec room is where meetings are held. I can't decide if the next chapter should be in Piper/Ginny or Jason/Ron's POV. And yes, that owl is one of Athena's. The next chapter will have a bit of a link to the prologue.

What did you think of this chapter? Is it okay? Again, I apologise for any grammatical errors.

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