Chapter 8: Coward

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"I have." He said and I looked up at him when his hand came to rest on my shoulder. "This one's a special case. His name is Cam."

The old man smiled as his eyes met mine, and I felt a pool of warmth in my chest at Damion's words.

"I'm sure he is. He's beautiful." The old man continued and I felt my face grow so hot that I was tempted to turn away. I looked down instead, and I felt Damion's hand running through my curls.

"Thank you." He said and for whatever reason my face grew hotter.

"Now what can I do for you today?"

The man's tone had gone completely professional now, and I listened as Damion rattled off a list of things. While they spoke, I allowed my eyes to drift as I took in some of the things they had hung up around the store. There were whips and paddles and some other things I wasn't familiar with. They all looked fancy and expensive; like the ones Damion had at his house. The quality looked pretty good too, and the fact that I didn't see any price tags told me that maybe this wasn't a place just anybody came to.

"You can go look around if you want." Damion said then, and I looked back at him to see him examining something in his hands. It looked like a riding crop, but not like any I'd ever seen before. He weighed it in his hand and questioned the old guy about measurements and some other boring stuff, so I did what he suggested and left his side to go look around.

As I walked down the wide aisles, I made sure not to touch anything. I didn't think I'd be able to afford to pay for something if I broke it and I didn't want Damion to get upset with me.

I decided I liked the colors more than anything. It was cool the way they'd organized them on the shelves, making the toys all the more inviting. Most of all though, there was one thing that really pulled me in.; a wall of things actually. They were collars, a whole wall of them, just sitting there waiting for some attention.

When I came to a stop in front of them I felt like I'd just about died and gone to heaven. There were different colors, but mostly black, ranging from simple to extravagant and I loved them all. Without thinking, I reached up to remove one from where it hung, when Damion called my name and I pulled away, giving the wall one last look before I made my way back to the counter where he stood.

There were trays of toys laid out in front of him and when I came to stand beside him, he gestured toward them.

In one tray there were cock cages; lots of them. I hadn't realized that there were so many different types until I was staring down at them. The clear ones looked kind of cool and then there were the standard metal ones that actually looked like cages; I didn't like those too much, but really, what did it matter if they were all supposed to do the same thing.

"Pick one." Damion said, and I looked up at him in surprise.

"Me?" I asked in awe, and he nodded.

I glanced down at the tray again, finding it hard to believe that he was actually giving me a choice. Since when did a master care what a sub wanted? When did things get so complicated?

I reached out and picked up the blue one—not just because it was transparent and cool looking, but because it was also in my favorite color and it had caught my eye.

When I looked back at Damion to make sure he was okay with it, he just nodded and the old man reached over to take it from me. I watched as he set it aside, removed the tray and replaced it with another one. This time there were plugs; butt plugs to be exact. I'd never worn one myself, but I'd seen plenty. This time when Damion told me to choose, I didn't hesitate. I just snagged the blue one. I figured it would be cool if I got to use matching toys.

Dominance and Submission (boyxboy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz