Chapter One

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Grace's point of view

I woke up this morning like any other morning, in pain. Having something such as  Fibromyalgia, is never something okay, to shorten the term it is an illness that places a person in pain all the time. As my nerves tend to never give me a break, it gets quite annoying, a pain in the ass - sometimes literal - I suck it up because pain is now apart of life whether physical, mental, or emotional. With my parents and siblings leaving me with the house because they decide they wanted move to Africa, to have a new beginning, I was left to fend for myself with the help of Mason because between work, and having to take care of myself, I'm super busy and I have no one to help me but him, without him, life would be hard. I finished and graduated Medical school last December and got a job at the end of January at a local hospital with the help of Mason's connection and now that June is here and everything is starting to simmer down life can be enjoyed.

Ring Ring Ring Ring.

Knowing who it is, as I expected him to be calling soon, I don't check and pick up the phone.

Grace: Hello

Mason: Are you out of bed yet?

I shuffle out of bed and stand up, throwing my equilibrium off for just a second as fast movements are never good for my body.

Grace: Yes

I respond groggily, then clearing my throat to continue without the lack of sleep affecting my voice.

Mason: Get your ass out of bed and get ready I don't want to be late

Grace: Okay! Don't get your panties in a twist, be nice to me.

It was hard for me to understand his way of caring, most times it would hurt my feelings. I was always quick to admit I was a sensitive person, because I am, and people should know before they get annoyed at my sadness.

Mason: GET UP, I'll be there in 30 minutes.

I lied back down and stared at my ceiling blankly and sat up in bed and observed my room, looking at my phone, then read that it says 7:00 am, I groan and look around me, taking in my room. I'm a little weird or fun in better terms but I think it's fine, having over fifty-six stuffed animals and dolls in a room that is a sky blue is fine. I guess my family leaving me while I was away at Mason's left me to cling to this room as I rearranged the whole house, needing to change as I felt heartbroken as all they left was a note. I guess I always hoped for something more as I always tried to be apart of it but was too left to be right with them.

Refocusing on reality I realize he is going to be here in thirty minutes so I jumped out of bed and ran to my closet "Well someone is in a bad mood" I mumbled to myself while thinking of the way he spoke to me. Mason and I have been friends since babies and we are "inseparable" as he says it, but I think we could use some space between each other because he is so weird in a way that he is protective and possessive, even in the sense that he tries his best to cover the strong emotions he posses with his charisma and suave moves. When starting high school he would not let me ride the bus by myself, something so small ticked him off so largely, if I didn't ride the bus then he would pick me up in his car and drive me. I personally think he has separation anxiety but who knows, he denies it.

Today I am going to my first actual house party and I can't wait, my friends say that being 19, and have yet attended a party is unheard of. But when someone literally does nothing but homework because they want to graduate early and start young, you don't have time for everything, though Mason forced breaks upon me to do fun things, so I wouldn't drive myself into insanity, I still had limited time.

Mason is the host of this party and I honestly don't know what to expect, he hangs around some scary ass friends if people were to ask me, but then again I'm scared of most people.

'I have thirty minutes to get everything I need for tonight,' since I'm spending the night at his house 'I need night clothes,' well honestly I can't call it night clothes, it's just a tank top and underwear. Now I need an outfit for tomorrow. 'Jeans and lets see which is the lucky shirt today, ooh this white v-neck is the winner.' I never really wear anything extravagant my style is jeans and a t-shirt everyday that I am able to wear my own thing. I have countless number of jeans from over the years it's kind of ridiculous. 'Why do I talk to myself?'

"Maybe because you are a psychopathic girl who has the hardest time on making decisions and over thinks the most minute things"

"You can shove it up your butt Mason"

"Mmm doesn't sound too pleasant, no thank you, but when you do it let me know, I would love to watch." Rolling my eyes and continuing to look through I ignore him while mumbling things under my breath.

"Ugh one day I'm going to hurt you"

Even if I tried I honestly can't hurt a fly, well mainly because I have a phobia of bugs, but I can't be near them or I would have a anxiety attack. So killing would not be an option as that would require me getting close to them which is a big no no. Everyone makes fun of it, but I don't care as everyone has a fear and mine just so happens to be bugs.

"Hey Grace, is this what you are wearing to the party?"

"Yeah, Why?"

It is a short dress that is black with gold and silver shimmering stuff and it's form fitting, with some nude or really light pink high heel shoes. I'm not gonna lie and say I'm skinny, because I'm not, I'm thick and have curves. Sorry a girl has to eat, and it's not my fault I don't have a metabolism like some others so I have to work out to keep my form.

"It's a little revealing"

"Okay and... don't worry about it I'm not wearing some skimpy outfit like all those other girls that will probably be there tonight"

"Well I just don't want guys to look at you"

"Mason have you seen me lately! Like trust me no one will be looking at me"

"Grace you know I hate it when you talk down about yourself, stop being so insecure, you are beautiful and you may not think it but you are and guys look at you all the time. I notice it"

I stayed silent he gets mad when I say things as such about myself. He really looks out for me, he is like my body guard/brother, it's awesome and I love it. Though he scares the mess out of me too, as one time I was mad about something and he was bothering me so I told him some pretty hurtful things along the lines of "Go to hell you b- word, and don't talk to me ever again, I hate you" he was so furious when I said that he had pinned me to the wall and yelled at me, making me feel like I was total crap, then he hugged me and we had to go through one of our 'sessions' which consist of him and I dancing  to some random playlist, me failing on the Xbox that he got me a couple of years ago, then eating ice cream, and expressing each other feelings or more me talking and him listening and then him stating things bluntly.

He knows I hate violence, and screaming, and yelling, and can't bare to see it or take part in it so we created a 'session' that we part take in for at least an hour just to feel better and cool down. Whether it's from stress, anger, or sadness, we do them together, because I feel his pain and he feels mine.

"I'm sorry" he said,

I smiled and gave him a hug. Then threw the rest of my things in the bag and we headed out, to get the party set up for tonight at his house.

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