Chapter 39

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Hayes' POV

I was going to see Val but when I walked in, I saw her and my bestfriend kissing. She pulled away but I still was shocked and mad.

"What the fuck!" I screamed

"I swear to god Hayes, he kissed me" Val said walking towards me to take my hand but I moved away

"Still, why did you do for him to kiss you?" I asked her

"What do you mean? Do you think it's my fault?"

"Yea exactly"

"I can't believe it. So every time you get a crush on another girl and you leave me is my fault too? And every time something goes wrong it's my fault too? I'm always there for you even when you betray me but I'm done with this shit. Hope you have a good life" she said then left.

What did I just do? I just lost the only thing that I needed.

I ran after her.

"Val wait!" I screamed getting to her

"What do you want" she snapped but I saw that she had tears in her eyes

"I'm so sorry and I know that I was wrong for accusing you"

"Promise you'll never do that again"

"I promise"

I walked her home and we instantly fell asleep.

Marie's POV

I was so happy I was with Cameron. He really makes me happy and I hope nothing will go wrong. Today was the anniversary of the day we met two years ago. I'll be 18 in couple months.

I woke up beside Cameron my head on his chest. I did everything to not wake him up when I was getting out of the bed but eventually it failed.

"Good morning babe" I always had chills when he called me babe.

"Good morning" I said kissing his cheek "do you know what day are we?" I asked excited.

"Sunday?" I was thinking that he'll do a surprise later so I didn't say anything.

"We have a date tonight at the restaurant that just opened" I said getting up.

"Okay I'll be there"

"Bye" I said kissing him then left to go home.

Cameron's POV

Why is a Sunday so important to Marie? Anyway, I'll call Aaron to come play video games with me.

"Dude come to my house" I said on the phone

"K I'll be there in ten"

Val's POV

I was still hurt that Hayes didn't trust me but at least I was still with him.

"Morning" I hear Hayes say when I walked out of my room

"Good morning"

"Happy anniversary!" he said getting up and kissing me

"Happy anniversary!" I kissed back

"What do you want to do today?" he asked

"Idk maybe go to a restaurant tonight" I suggested

"Yea sure it'll be fun"

"Val I'm home" Marie shouted through the apartment.

"Hey" I said hugging her

Thanks to my dog (Hayes & Cam fanfic)  {completed}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat