Chapter 2

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Marie's POV

We arrived to the beach. Everyone got out of the car and took everything we needed out. Val's brother went somewhere far from us. Val and I began to walk across the beach when we saw Hayes, Cameron, Jack Dail and Aaron!!!!

"Ahhh!!! Val look who's there" I said to Val. She looked and then suddenly turn away from them.

"OMG! Hayes,Cam,Jack and Aaron are there? I think I'm gonna faint" she said sweating.

"Cam looks so hot omg" I said to Val. And if you didn't know I'm obsessed with Cameron Dallas!!! But what we didn't know was that they saw us and were looking at us.

We were really shy but we decided to go for a swim. We removed our top shirt and shorts and held hands while going in the water. The boys were literally looking at us like they just saw God. It was actually really funny.

We got out of the water and talked to each other when Hayes and the other boys approached us.

"Hey Val and Marie" Hayes said looking at Val who was blushing.

"Hey" we both said.

"I'm Cameron, this is Jack and Aaron" Cam introduced.

"Ya we already know and we love you guys so much" I said excited. I was blushing but we can't see it cause I'm black.

Val's POV

"So what are you guys doing here?" I asked looking at them.

"We were just hanging out" said Jack who was kinda cute but not hot as Hayes.

"Do you wanna hangout with us?" Hayes asked us

"Ya sure! Why not!" Marie replied really excited

"Hey Val look who I found!" my brother came toward us with Nash Grier

"We are buds now. Oh and I can see you two found the others" he said laughing

"Ya we did" everyone laughed

Hayes' POV

Val was looking so hot in that bikini!

"Let's go swim" Aaron suggested and everyone began to run towards the sea.

We all played in the sea and just for fun, I splashed Val.

"Wtf, Hayesss" she said laughing

"Whoops, my bad" I said

Then out of no where she jumped on me and started laughing. I did too.

Cameron's POV

I find Marie really cute and I think she's really pretty too. The sun was settling down so we got out of the water.

"Girls you should come tonight to my house so we can all hangout." said Nash giving them the address.

"Sure we'll come but we'll need to go to our hotel to get change first." Marie replied.

"I'll drop you two to their house and then go to do some stuffs in the city okay?" Val's brother asked the girls and they nodded.

Marie's POV

We said our goodbyes and headed back to the hotel. Val and I took turns to take a shower. Val wore a Nike sweater and some leggings with whiteish Vans (1st pic on top). I wore a white long sleeve shirt with sweatpants and a flannel at my waist and some adidas sneakers (2nd pic on top). We put some mascara and lipgloss on.

"Let's go now" I said to Val and her brother.

They got up and we started driving to Nash's address.

"Don't do bad things girls" Val's brother said to us

"Really? You really think they can like us? Please." I said and we started laughing .

Val knocked and Hayes opened the door and we went in. We hugged everyone and we all sat in the living room.

"Let's play truth or dare." Jack suggested and we all nodded

"But first how old are you guys?" Jack said looking to Val and I.

Val's POV

"We are 16" I said

"Okay cool now let's start" Jack added

"Hayes, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to kiss Val on the lips" Jack said. I was blushing so hard I became red. Hayes was sitting at my left and Marie at my right. Hayes leaned in and kissed me. His lips tasted like heaven. I wanted more but I couldn't. I heard a lot of "Oooohs".

Hayes' POV

Val's lips were so good!! I think I'm starting to like her but I don't really know.

"Ok so now, Cam, truth or dare?" I asked


"I dare you to lick the plant behind you" he got up and hesitated and licked the plant. It was so gross but funny.

Cameron's POV

"Marie, truth or dare" I asked her and I saw that she was nervous.

"Truth" she said

"Tell us about your first date"

Thanks to my dog (Hayes & Cam fanfic)  {completed}Where stories live. Discover now