Chapter 16

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Marie's POV

I walked into our room and saw Val seating on the bed on her phone.

"You should do something today instead of staying here" I said to her walking the closet to pick my outfit

"Yea but what?" she asked still on her phone

"You can call that guy you were dancing with at the after party and go somewhere"
[the boy in the pic on top]

"I'm not sure"

"Just do it" I said to her walking in the bathroom.

Val's POV

"Ok ok I'll do it" I said going through my contacts and calling him.

"Hello Alex it's Val the girl you danced with at the after party?" I asked/said

"Oh,ya! How are you?" he asked

"I'm good thanks, I was wondering if you'd want to do something today?" I asked

"Ya, sure let's meet up at Starbucks"

"Okay see you there in 20" I said smiling

"See ya" he said

"Bye" I said hanging up.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh" I screamed and Marie came out running of the bathroom.

"What? Who's dead?" She asked scared

"No one, I just got a 'date' "I said laughing and jumping around.

"Omg I'm so happy for you, now go get dressed up" I got up and got dressed.

When I came out of the bathroom I was done and looked at Marie. She was stunning. She was wearing a black and white crop top with a black skirt with a jacket and some converse (1st outfit on top) and putted her hair in a messy bun.

"You look beautiful" I said to her

"Thank you, you too" she said hugging.

I was wearing a light pair of jeans with a white laced sweater and light brown high heels shoes (2nd outfit on top) and curled my hair.

Nash's POV

I was waiting for Marie so that we could go eat but she was taking FOREVER.

When I saw her, I was thinking I was dying cause I couldn't breathe.

"What are staring at?" she asked snapping me off my thoughts

"I'm staring at my beautiful girlfriend" I said kissing her

"Aww that's so sweet" she said kissing back

"Let's go now I'm hungry" I said walking her to the car.

Hayes' POV

I was watching TV when Val came in the room. I turned to look at her and she was gorgeous. I couldn't believe I lost her.

"Who are you dressing up for?" I asked her

"Oh, I'm going to hangout with Alex today" she said walking in the kitchen to grab something

"Who is that?" I asked confused

Thanks to my dog (Hayes & Cam fanfic)  {completed}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu