Chapter 1

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Marie's POV

My name is Marie-Carmen but I go by Marie (I'm black btw) I have black hair and dark brown eyes. Me and my bestfriend Val (Valerie) who has chatain hair and green eyes are from Canada but this summer we are going to LA with her brother Eric and Mia her dog (2nd pic on top). The flight was so long but we finally arrived in LA!! We got to our hotel, got our keys and went to our room.

Val's POV

"So let's settle our things and then we can maybe go for a walk with Mia?" I asked

"Ya sure! Imagine if we meet Hayes and Cameron!!" Marie said excited. If you didn't know I'm obsessed with Hayes Grier, he's bae but he'll never notice me so...

"I wish," I said almost sad, "let's get going now"

I pick up Mia who was just a couple months old and head outside. We arrive to a park but suddenly, a dog who looked almost like Mia came to us with his owner.

Marie's POV

A young boy with shades who was probably our age was literally forced by his little dog to come toward us.

"Hi little boy!" Val said to the dog

"I'm so sorry 'bout that" The young boy said to us

"It's okay your dog is cute" I replied

"By the way my name is Valerie but you can call me Val and this is Marie" Val introduced us to the boy

"Nice to meet you, I'm Hayes" The young boy said removing his shades. Val almost got a heart attack

"Hayes like Hayes Grier like the Hayes Grier?" Val asked

"Hahaha ya why?"

"Well we love you so much but her more than me though" I said laughing.

"I really like your accent. What accent is that?" Asked Hayes

"It's a French accent, we came from Canada and we speak French" We both said

"Well I have to go but there's my number if you two wants to hangout." He said giving his number to Val who almost fainted.

Val's POV

Hayes left and I turned to Marie.

"What just happened?" I said in an excited and shocked voice.

"I think we just got Hayes' number" she said jumping in place. And I started jumping too.

We got back to the hotel and decided to go to the beach but my brother had to come so we went to see him.

"Yo, can we go to the beach pleaseeee." I asked him

"Sure sis. Go get ready and come back when you are done." He said at my big surprise but I won't mind.

Marie and I got to our room, chose our bikinis and wore them. When we were done, we went to my brother's room. We got to the car and drove to the beach.

Thanks to my dog (Hayes & Cam fanfic)  {completed}Where stories live. Discover now