An unwanted visitor

Começar do início

"You're a..." I started to stutter a bit which made Harry chuckle.

"A.." I didn't get to finish what I was going to call him as his lips mashed onto mine. Harry's tongue instantly demanded for my lips to part and I did. He slithered in which earned a moan from me. I couldn't help but enjoy making out with Harry. Harry's hands went to my bum as he hoisted me up. My arms instantly wrapped around him. Wow, this changed quick! I thought. Harry pulled away where he attacked my neck with kisses. Moaning I craned my head giving him better access. Now to tell you the truth, food was definitely forgotten.

Knock! Knock!

Harry groaned when he pulled up away from my neck as he looked into my eyes. His green eyes seem darker. My eyes then looked at the door that was knocked on. It was too good to last. Sighing Harry spoke, "I'll get that" with that Harry pecked my lips lightly and put me back onto the counter where he went to grab a nearby shirt. When did I pull that off?

The person knocked again. Getting off the counter I started to make breakfast.
I heard talking and then feet shuffling in.

"Ginny it's for you" Harry's hands were clenched and his jawline too. His face was slightly red and his eyes shown anger. What the heck? When I entered our lounge Blake was sat on my couch looking happy. Breathe.

"Are you okey babe? I'll put on your coffee" Harry kissed my cheek as he glared at Blake then walked into the kitchen. Blake glared back. Frowning for a second before I replied.

"Yeah thanks" i said as I looked at Blake. "What's up?" I asked him.

"Our assignment Ginny? Did you forget about it. Yeah. Been making out with Harry nothing biggie...

"No of course not" I lied. Oops?

"Oh okay so have you any ideas?" Not a noodle. I shook my head.

"Have you been doing any research?" No I have been busy.

"No I had am...." My face heated up, my date with Harry came into my mind. Then our make out session in our kitchen... his ass...

"I have to get something in the kitchen" with that I backed away into the kitchen.

"Hey Harry" I greeted.

Harry seemed fixed on something on his phone. Um. "Harry?" I said again. Silent. "Harry James potter" I swotted his arm. "Oh sorry Ginny I just got a text from..." He was about to finish his words when Blake showed his face.

"Yes Blake how can I Help you?" I asked trying to act nice. Acting *cough*

"Oh I just wanted to ask, are you free Friday?" I felt Harry tense up. Yeah my freaken date with this jealous git beside me!

"No sorry I'm busy" I said looking at Harry.

Harry smirked at me as he brushed past Blake and back to the lounge. "Oh ok are you free Thursday?" What the hell do you want?!

"Am i don't think so.."

"Great it's a date" Blake smiled.

I opened and closed my mouth but no words could form. Ugh!!! Harry came back into the room. He looked at me and then Blake. "What's going on here?" He asked.

"Harry babe I was just asked out on a date" I said to Harry. Harry's face turned to pure anger.

"I was kidding" Blake started to laugh, which just made me frown. Harry turned on his heels and left the room. He slammed his bedroom door where Blake stood smirking at me.

Love me like you do Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora