Chapter seven - I knew you were way too good to be true...

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My alarm was ringing, loudly. Oh... I'm alive, that's such a shame, but i'm used to it; i'm tired of living but scared to die, how typical.

Whilst i was asleep, i was numb. I didn't feel anything, all my emotions were gone and i felt free... I wanted to go back to sleep, feel that way again. Currently I was hurled up in bed, I didn't want school today... I've always disliked school, but i've had worse situations. I have Allison now and thats somehow reassuring.

I sighed before getting up, another day of this shitty life. I hate it, I do. But i'm too much of a coward to do anything about it. To have the courage to do something about it, something terrible would have happen, something that would leave me distraught.

Now I had to get ready, pretty pointless actually considering... There was nothing really to do, except from put on my washed out clothes. I needed a whole new wardrobe, even though my parents were rich, i never got new clothes. And by the way i dressed, it didn't look like I came from a wealthy family either. I sighed, within ten minutes I was ready... I really wasn't bothering with it all today, I didn't see any point. I looked at my bed clock, 7:20 am. It's certainly too early to go to school, besides i need a ride. I'll ask Allison.

I grabbed my phone,

Hey Allison, if it's not too much to ask could I get a lift off you today?

She replied instantly,

Allison: Sure :) i'll get you in half an hour.

Well at least that's sorted, but now i had nothing to do for half an hour. I was tempted to go back to sleep, but i knew if i done that I wouldn't back wake up in time, typical. Looks like i'll be sat here fir the next thirty minutes doing nothing at all. I sunk myself down onto the comfy sofa and i attempted preoccupy myself by thinking about things

Time dragged, it felt like eternity... Every second felt like a minute, minute felt like hours and well hours felt like days. Thing is i wasn't left waiting for an hour, thankfully.

my phone buzzed,

Allison: Hey i'm outside! (:

As soon as I read that, I instantly launched up off the sofa and grabbed my bag-pack. There was no one for me to even say bye too; my parents weren't here... But it benefitted me, i liked having the house to myself, i liked being alone... It was so much better rather than dealing with other people and their hassle.

I strolled towards the front door, opened it to let myself out and then slammed it behind me. I saw Allison's blue car parked outside of my house, i could see her in the mirror flicking her hair. I didn't see why she was doing that for, from what i could tell her hair looked perfectly fine.

I walked up towards Allison's car and opened the car door before sitting down in the front seat next to her.

"Hey," She greeted me moments after i got into her car.

"Hi." I replied, it was so quite... It was almost like a whisper.

"So Isaac was at yours yesterday?" Allison questioned me, she was smirking. I really hope that she's not insinuating or implying anything...

"Yeah, he just appeared... It was so unexpected, the last thing i expected. He didn't even provide a valid reason to why he came round really, but he was great company." I explained.

"Do you like my brother Lydia?" Allison asked me with her eyebrow raised... I didn't necessarily fancy him, well i would... If i wanted a relationship, but i didn't want that, i couldn't have it even if i wanted it.

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