Spike's Got Talent

Start from the beginning

He left the stage and it was Leo's turn to perform his magic trick. He had practiced his performance in front of me once...yeah, he wasn't that great. He ended up throwing one of his rings behind him and ended up killing his pet fish. It took me at least a half hour to calm Leo down. A half hour of my life that I would never get back.

"Aha!" Leo yelled and Principal Perry made a disgusted noise.

"Ugh. Dooley. Next!" She pressed the red button and Leo complained.

"Come on! Give me a chance!"

"Nah fine. Just get it over with."

Leo started "Three solid steel rings pass right through each other to become interlocked." My eyes widened when the three rings actually connected together. Last time that didn't end well "Locked solid right?" He then blew on them making them disappear in front of us. How the hell did he do that? When did he become good?

The group of kids clapped and Principal Perry looked impressed "Oh wow! That wasn't awful." I saw Leo's eyes widen in amazement when Perry said "Alright, you're in." She pressed the bell and it dinged.

"Yes!" Leo cheered "For my next trick, I'll leave while I'm ahead."

When Leo sat down next to me I smiled at him "That was really cool Leo."

"Thanks. Took me months to get it right."

Chase was the next one up and when he looked over at me, I smiled and mouthed 'Good luck.'

"What's your talent?" Perry rudely asked him "Other than having my middle school haircut."

"I," Chase started "am the smartest man to ever live." The crowd scoffed and Principal Perry rolled her eyes "get out your on-line dictionaries people. I can spell any word." I'll admit but that wasn't the best talent. But it's not like I'm going to discourage my boyfriend.

Perry scoffed again "I got one for ya: Snooze fest." Perry cackled and the audience started throwing paper balls at him in protest. Leo and I just sat there looking at everything that was going on. I felt incredibly bad for Chase right now.

Perry pressed her favorite button "Next!"

"No! No! I have another talent." I hope it's not what I told him about his kisses. Even though it was true, I didn't want him to make an ever bigger fool of himself "I can do magic!" Okay now this was the desperation talking.

I heard Leo mutter "Oh no you can't," as he sat straight up in his seat.

Chase took a step back and lifted his arms. In a matter of moments the paper balls that were littered on the stage and floor began to rise on their own. Everyone around Leo and I gasped in amazement as Chase slowly rotated his body, the paper balls following him as he moved. Perry muttered a fascinated 'whoa' somewhere in the middle of Chase's performance. Leo and I looked at each other. He was using his Muleckularkenesis in front of the student body. Was he on drugs?

Principal Perry laughed and Chase propelled each paper ball so they were flying in the air by themselves at the crowd. When he was done, Chase got a standing ovation and the crowd hooted and hollered.

"Whoa! That was amazing!" Perry cheered.

I debated whether or not I should clap or not. Technically Chase was cheating. But the smile that took over his face when Principal Perry let him through "Dooley, you're out." I decided to clap slowly. When he looked my way I gave him a small smile that told him what I was feeling.

"Great job Chase," Leo told him "hey, maybe for your next trick you can remove this knife from my back!"


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