Introducing Chatie

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AN: So since season 2 of Lab Rats hasn't come out yet, not until, I think, the 25th, I decided to do a fluffy Chatie, as one of you lovely readers paired them (thank you by the way. You know who you are), before the offical chapters start. This isn't going to be very long. Think of this as an opener for season 2.

Chatie. That's what Davenport, Tasha, Bree, Adam and Leo named us. They figured it was time, and I quote Bree on this one, 'for the most adorable couple to have a couple name'. It was annoying really. Everytime Chase and I walked into the room, whether or not we on speaking terms, they would say:

"Uh oh. Chatie's having relationship problems."


"Look guys! It's Chatie!"

It got old very quickly.

One day I went over to the Davenports to hang out when Bree whizzed by and shouted "Sorry Katie! I forgot I was meeting Kaitlyn today." and she rushed off. I walked into the Davenport home regardless of my best friend zipping off in such a hurry. I found Adam and Leo playing some violent video game and decided I wanted nothing to do with it.

"Hey Adam, Leo, where is Chase?" I asked.

Leo pointed to the elevator that led to the lab "In the lab with Davenport but you can't got down there right now."

"Why?" I asked.

Leo ducked and dodged imaginary bullets as he swiped his hands in the air "Chase and Davenport are working on his Muleckularkenisis. They should've wrapped it up right about now."

I made an 'O' shape with my lips and sat down on the couch as I watched the boys play their intense game of Pig Zombies: Judgement Day. It was actually kind of funny watch Adam and Leo continue to dodge and duck making them look like they were dancing to the sounds of pigs being slaughtered.

Not even twenty minutes had past by when the elevator doors opened up and Chase and Mr. Davenport walked out. When Chase saw me on his couch, he smiled like a kid in a candy shop "Hey! What are you doing here?"

"I can leave if you don't want me here." I joked and pretended to get up and head for the door.

"No! Don't leave." Chase said holding onto my wrist.

I laughed as I sat down. Chase slid his hand into mine and wove our fingers together "So I heard from Leo that you and Davenport are working on you Muleckularkenisis? How's that coming along?"

Chase sighed "I've been practising for hours and I can only move one item if I concentrate hard enough. But when I don't even think about it, everything around me starts flying. I almost stapled Mr. Davenport to the wall."

I chuckled and kissed his cheek "You'll have it down packed in no time."

"What are you doing the rest of the day?" Chase asked me and I just shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know. I thought I'd wing it."

Chase suddenly got up and pulled me with him out the door "Chase where are we going?"

He looked back and smiled "That, my gorgeous girlfriend, is a surprise."

Chase called a called a cab and pulled me with him in the back seat, our hands still clasped together "Will you just tell me what's going?" I asked.

"Not a chance sweetheart." Chase kissed me "You'll see when we get there." He muttered an address to the cab driver and he pulled out of the Davenport's driveway.

I looked out the window trying to think of places that Chase could be taking me to but I came up with jack squat. The cab pulled to a stop and I looked up and an unfamiliar building. It was a beige brick building with five beige color pillars on each side of the entrance. There was no sign telling me where we were "Where are we?" I asked for what seemed liked the billionth time.

Chase said nothing as he continued to pull me up the steps and held the door open for me. I gasped at what I saw. We were in a huge aracde. A million classic games including a bunch of pinball machines and a mini bowling alley to the side.

"How did I not know this place was here?" I turned to my boyfriend "How did you find this place?"

Chase chuckled and led me to the coin dispenser and inserted a five dollar bill into the slot. A bunch of quarters came out and Chase picked them up and put them in his pocket "Don't worry on how I found it. But as soon as I found this, I knew this would be the place I would take you to. I know how you like playing arcade games. So, what do you want to do first?"

I looked at Chase and put both hands on the sides of his face and kissed him deeply "How did I get so lucky?" I asked myself as I pulled away from him.

"Babe, I think it's the other way around." Chase smiled and my heart warm at his smile.

So for about a couple hours and about thirty dollars later, Chase and I had played every single arcade game in the place and then decided to bowl a game. I sucked at bowling but it was so worth it when Chase taught me how to release the ball. In the end, I got my first strike. I jumped up and down and ended up kissing Chase in victory. The game was soon over and we decided to go out to a near by diner.

We were seated in a near by booth as on older lady walked up to our table "What can I get ya kids?"

"I'll have a water please." I told her and Chase nodded.

"Make that two waters please."

The older lady nodded and smiled "Such polite teenagers you are. I'll be right back with your drinks."

When she came back, she took our orders and we ended talking about Chase's training. I asked if Adam or Bree have discovered any new abilities and Chase shook his head "They've been pretty bumbed out about it."

Once we were done, we left the diner walking out hand in hand. We end back at the Davenport's house "Thank you for this Chase."

He kissed me softly "No problem."

We opened the door to find Leo being chased around by a fed up Bree. Adam was sitting on the counter laughing at the scene. Leo started screaming like a girl. Adam looked up and smiled.

"Oh hey Chatie!"

AN: So, yeah, like I said: Opener. I can't wait for the season premiere! Anyhooo! Please comment and vote!

Oh! And I was looking up pictures for season two and they get NEW SUITS!!! They look amazing! Bree's suit looks like the Black Widow's suit! I'm gonna have a hard time not staring at Chase while he's wearing it. HE'S SO HOT!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS SEASON!!!

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