Spike's Got Talent

Start from the beginning

I rolled my eyes as Chase voiced my thoughts "Leo you don't have a fan base."

"I know. It's why I have to build one with magic," he said while waving his hands close to Chase's face that he had to lean his head back from Leo touching him. There is a thing called personal space. Leo might want to use it.

"Well that is what it would take," Chase said and he pulled me away from Leo who, might I add, followed us.

"No. I got a magic kit and I've been practicing specifically for the competition."

"A magic kit? Isn't that kind of lame?"

"There is nothing lame about buying something off the Internet to make friends," Leo pushed Chase aside and walked over to two girls who were looking through yearbooks "Hello ladies," he said. Chase and I just stood their watching what would happen. Leo pulled out some cards and asked "Would you like to see a card trick?" The both nodded and Leo pulled out a card "This is your card," he placed it back in the deck and looked at the brunette "Hey what's that in your hair?" Leo said and pulled out a card "Uh, Bam!" He turned to Chase and showed the exact same card as before "See? Magic!"

Chase sighed and shook his head "You know what my problem is? All of my talents are bionic and I can't reveal them at school."

"Aw," Leo faked "Bionic people problems."

I tuned out the rest of the conversation and walked over to a couple girls who were in my science class. We started talking about how gross our teacher was.

"Someone should say something to the poor guy. He smells like trash." I told them.

All of a sudden, I see my boyfriend approach "Hello ladies," Chase smirked at me and I rolled my eyes. Okay now what is he doing?

"Pick a card, any card."

The girl on my left picked a card from the deck and Chase told her to put it back in. He pulled off a card on the top of the deck and asked "Is this your card?"

Natalie, was the girl's name, shook her head and Chase pulled out another card from the deck.

"This one?"

He kept trying to get the cards right but ended up not getting their card at all. I sighed as Leo pulled out their exact card and said "Boom. Magic." He said before backing out.

When Natalie and her friend walked away from us, it was just Chase and I in the hallway.

"Don't let Leo get you down babe." I told him "You have so many talents but you just don't see them."

He looked at me and I wrapped my arms around him "Like what?"

I smirked and leaned my face closer to his "For one you're and amazing kisser." Chase met me halfway and kissed me deeply. When we pulled away, I was trying to regain my breath "Oh yeah," I panted "really amazing kisser."

Chase chuckled and hugged me tighter "What would I do without you?"

Shrugging my shoulders I said "You'd be lost."

Chase kissed me again "You're not wrong about that."


After school, I sat in the front row watching people perform their talents in front of Principal Perry.  A boy with curly brown hair was using water to gargle Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. It wasn't the highlight of anyone's night. I sat there staring at the boy in boredom wondering when a fun performer would take the stage. During the boys performance Principal Perry cringed as she pressed a red button in front of her and said "Next!" The boy was about to spit out his water when Perry pointed at him "Don't you spit that out," she said "you swallow that disgusting performance." I cringed when they boy painfully swallowed his backwash water.

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