I hate to have to miss my work, I love what I do and I love having responsibility, but today was inevitable and here I am, sitting in the waiting room along with elegant men, but what caught my attention was the young woman very well dressed among them. Well, I also was well dressed, when there were meetings like this one I always came impeccable. I was wearing black social pants, a white blouse with golden buttons, a black blazer and high heels of the same color.

I approached the circle where the young woman of light brown hair was and positioned myself in front of her, and heard half a dozen voices greeting me. I ignored them, I just kept eye contact with her.

-Hello, nice to meet you, my name is Lauren Jauregui. – I said smiling.

-I know who you are. – she called me "you" and no one here in this company called me like that, if they knew me.

-And I still don't know your name. – I smiled at her again and was reciprocated.

-LAURENNN! – a shrill voice echoed in the place interrupting me, and I turned around, it was Taylor, and she was immaculate, just like me.

-Tay. – I said pulling her into a hug – You came to be part of this boredom?

-Yes, it's important. – I walked away with Taylor already forgetting about the young woman with the full lips.

-Do you know what it's about?

-In parts.

-Please, follow me. The meeting is about to start. – we heard the voice of Mike's secretary inform, and we followed her to the conference room.

I sat next to Taylor and she appeared a bit shaken, everyone was accommodating themselves when I saw the door open and an elegant man walking in. God, it was Rob, followed by Mike.

-Well, I summoned you to this meeting for something very simple. – the man began without delay – I plan to retire to take care of my health, as you know, I have a disease, it is somewhat serious and ... – he cleared his throat and I was in shock, I didn't know that, how didn't I know that? He was my father, right? Despite everything, he was my father.

-Taylor... – I whispered and she had teary eyes.

-Not now, Lauren, you never cared. – I glanced back at the man in front of us who had a sad countenance. For a moment I felt that I wasn't part of their lives.

-Well, I chose one person to take over my place inside this company, a person that's more than competent to administer this company, that person is my right arm in here and I'm sure that it's the best thing to do. – the man made a pause to then continue – Robert Simpson.

WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON HERE? Was I in some kind of nightmare? Rob would manage my company?

I tried to listen to my thoughts, but the applauses were echoing everywhere. I never saw Rob in this place, perhaps my superior posture and my armor didn't let me see him around here, he's my father's right arm and I didn't even know of his existence here. Everyone got up and went to congratulate him, and I was trying to digest all the information that was thrown in my face.

-Hey, I want to invite you all to a small gathering to celebrate. – Rob said and a young woman handed me a card containing an address – That is the place, I count with your presence, now I have to go, my woman is waiting for me.

Gradually everyone was emptying the room and I remained motionless, just looking at everything around me.

-Lauren, let's go? – Taylor asked touching my arm. I looked at her a bit baffled, a lot of information at once made me lose focus – Are you alright?

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