"Where's Emma?" I ask and his cheeks turn red. I can still make him blush by mentioning her.

  "At work but she'll be here soon. But what's on your mind?"

  "A lot." I answer and tuck a piece of hair behind my ear,and I see Matt wrestling Brian in the kitchen out if the corner of my eye.

  Amy walks out of the bathroom,and sits down on the other side of me.

  "What ya thinkin about?" She asks and nudges me with her elbow. I look to her,and I want to tell her about my feelings towards Matt,I know I could trust her. But I'm not so sure on Zacky,when he gets drunk he tends to spill secrets.

"Nothing sorry I keep zoning out." I say and wipe my eyes,looking at her as she raises an eyebrow.

"Alrighty then." She says and looks away.

We all head to the mall,Jimmy suggested it. When we get inside we at first just walk around,but of course we go to Hot Topic. Amy gets Matt a t shirt that he picked out,and Jimmy gets one for himself.

We walk around again,as we do people stare at us. It doesn't always happen,but there will be people who recognize us. Well the guys.

A young girl races up to us,excitement going through her. She has in Marilyn Manson contacts,green hair and an Avenged Sevenfold t shirt on. She can't be more than 16.

"Oh my god I love you guys and your music!" She gushes and the guys all get a smile on their face.

"Can you sign something please?" She asks and pulls out a notebook from her purse. She just carries a notebook around? She hands a pen and the notebook to the guys,and they gladly sign it.

"Can you take a picture of me with them?" She asks me,handing me her phone.

"Of course." I say happily with a warm smile.

"Alright say Avenged Sevenfold." I say and Matt rolls his eyes playfully but smiles.

"Avenged Sevenfold." Everyone says and of course Jimmy screams it at the top of his lungs,causing people to look at us.

"Are you guys gonna go on tour soon? Or put out a new album. I love your last one City Of Evil." She says to them as I hand back her phone.

"Actually yes,we're gonna work on one soon and when we're done well go on tour,your the first to know this too." He says and I didn't even think it was possible but an even bigger smile forms on her face.

"It was a dream come true to meet you guys." She says hugging them all tightly.

"Happy birthday Matt." She says when she gets to him.

"Thank you." He says and hugs her back.

  When she leaves,we continue walking to the exit and out to our cars. Matt and I sit next to each other,and I catch him starring at me.

I blush,and quickly look away. I pray to God that no one else finds out about me liking him.

When we get back to the house,we all sit around watching Smokey And The Bandit. Matt says most of his lines,causing me to giggle.

Why Can't This Be Love (A7X/M Shadows Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now