Friday 18th December

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Avenger's Tower, Manhattan
All the Avengers are exhausted as they return to the tower in the early hours of the morning. All of them go straight to bed but then wake up at around midday. None of them notice anything odd until they get into the living room. "Bucky and Pepper have certainly been busy," says Tony.
"They certainly have," agrees Bruce who comes in behind him.
In the idle f the living room stands a large Christmas tree covered in lights, tinsel and baubles. Underneath are a few presents; some that Bucky and Pepper must have already wrapped.
"Merry Christmas," says Pepper from behind them.
Tony throws his arms around her and kisses her. "Thank you so much! It looks wonderful."
Then he scampers downstairs to get his own presents. "You've done an amazing job," comments Bruce.
"Well, it was Bucky's idea really. We were missing a tree and we didn't think you lot were likely to get one sorted before Christmas."
"Well congratulations. I think I'll get my presents as well," and he leaves to get his own gifts for people. As he gets into the elevator, Tony comes out with a huge armful of presents. They shuffle round each other and Tony manages to make it to the living room before everything starts to slide out of his arms. "Do you need any help there?" asks an amused Pepper.
"Nope. I'm fine. I've got this." As he says this, however, everything starts to slide towards the tree and Pepper manages to stop it just before a larger present knocks the tree over. "I'll help," she tells him.
"Okay," he mutters begrudgingly.
Throughout the day, more and more presents appear underneath the tree from various parties. By early evening a mound of presents is heaped under the tree waiting for Christmas. Nick Fury comes by to collect reports from the Berlin mission and comments on them all beaming like little children ready for Christmas but nothing could crush their festive spirit.

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