Sunday 13th December

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Today was meant to be a day of rest. But apparently Natasha didn't know this. Or at least this is what Bruce thinks as he hears Natasha and Clint playing a very loud game of Mario Kart so where close enough to wake him. He glanced over at the clock and sees that the time is just 8:30. He groans and puts his pillow over his head. Unfortunately this brings his head closer to the noise and so makes it even harder to sleep. He sighs and tries to meditate instead which works fairly well until 10 o'clock when Tony walks in.
"Tony! What the f-"
"Good morning Bruce. Natasha is forcing everyone to eat brunch together so you need to come downstairs."
Bruce looks at the time and then back at Tony. "It's too early."
"It's 10 o'clock!"
"Yes. And it's a Sunday."
"Tough. You're eating breakfast with everyone else. Spirit of Goodwill and all."
Eventually Tony manages to drag a very disgruntled Bruce downstairs who insists on bringing his duvet. He sits down at the table, managing his duvet as he does so. "Someone's made a lot of food," he says looking at the feast in front of him. "Natasha, is this your doing?"
"Yes," she says proudly.
"It's too early."
She rolls her eyes and invites everyone to start eating. Despite it being too early, Bruce does quite enjoy the food and when he goes back to bed, he is glad he went down for breakfast. But now it's time to sleep...

A Very Avengers Christmasजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें