Tuesday 8th December

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Tony emerges from his lab. To the observer, he looks a bit like a newborn deer taking its first steps into the world. He walks over to the lift, a bundle of wires under one arm.
Pepper sees him come out of the lift on the third floor. He ignores her offer of food and moves towards the living room. Inside, Bruce is watching Sherlock with Bucky. He glances at them as he enters and heads over to the TV.
As he starts messing around with wires at the back, the screen goes fuzzy before going blank. "Hey!" says Bruce. "We were watching that." Tony says nothing but carries on fiddling with wires. Pepper looks on amused.
"Pepper, can't you get him to stop?" Bruce asks in despair.
"Even I don't have that much power over him."
Tony carries on tinkering for a few moments before sitting back on his haunches and pressing a button on a self made remote. Sparks shower down from behind the TV and the four of the are suddenly given a minutiae fireworks display. "Oh," says Tony disappointed. "Whoops."
Bruce throws his hands on the air somewhat melodramatically before exiting the room in a huff, presumably to look up some Sherlock fanfiction. Tony also leaves but he goes in the direction of his lab. Pepper follows and, just as the doors are closing, stops the elevator from going down. "Aren't you forgetting something?" she says.
"The TV, Tony. It needs fixing otherwise we'll have a tower of bored superheroes and Bruce without his Sherlock fix."
Tony sighs. "I'll call someone."
"Thanks, Tony," she says and takes her foot out of the lift.

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