Thursday 3rd December

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Tony hears a knock on his door. Or rather, someone rings the bell and JARVIS tells Tony about it. Tony frowns. Nobody was meant to be arriving until Saturday. He puts down his soldering iron. "JARVIS, who's at the door?"

"It appears to be Natasha Romanova also known as the Black Widow, sir. Would you like me to let her in?"

"No that's all right," Tony says. "I'll let her in myself."

Tony rushes up to the door, eager to greet his first house guest. He opens the door to find Natasha smiling. "Sorry I'm early," she tells him. "Mission went wrong."

"That's fine!" Tony says. "I'm really pleased you're here already. I've been looking forward to this all year." Natasha raises an eyebrow. "What?" says Tony. "I get excited about Christmas. Now come on in. I'll let Pepper know that you're here." He lets Natasha in with her small suitcase and tells JARVIS "Please tell Pepper that Natasha has arrived."

"Certainly, Mr Stark."

They go up in the elevator to the floor that Natasha will be staying on and Pepper is there to greet them. She smiles. "Lovely to see you again, Natasha. Let me show you to your room. Tony will be desperate to continue working on your presents." They walk together to Natasha's room and when Pepper opens the door Natasha gasps. "Someone certainly did their research," she says. The

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