Monday 14th December

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Today is Monday and for some reason everyone is tired despite not having down anything over the weekend. So Natasha suggests watching a film. Everyone agrees this is a very good idea indeed and they settle down to watch a film. It is only when Steve asks, "what are we watching?" that they realise that Natasha is getting a DVD out to play.
"Hey," says Tony. "How come you get to choose?"
"My idea, my choice."
"Alright, what are we watching?"
"The Nightmare Before Christmas."
Pepper knows that this is an argument zone with and leaves before anything even starts. Bucky watches her go worriedly.
Tony is the first to object. "It's too late for that film," he says.
"What?" Natasha says."Its a Christmas film
"No, I'm sorry Natasha but the only time you can watch The Nightmare Before Christmas is November because it is just after Halloween but before the Christmas season. It's perfectly in between."
"Clint, what do you think?"
Clint look scared. "I don't think I want to get involved in this." He says in a squeaky voice.
"Tough. When was the last time we watched The Nightmare Before Christmas?"
"And how did you justify it?"
Clint mumbled something. Natasha looks at him murderously.
"It's based in Autumn and Winter so it's okay to watch it in either season."
Steve decides that this is a good time to step in. It's not. "Me and Bucky don't mind watching it now. It's only a film after all." He smiles nervously as two glares are directed in his direction.
"It's more than just a film," hisses Natasha. "It's a culture."
"Whoops," mutters Bucky.
Luckily it is at this point that Pepper comes back carrying a chess board. "Tony. Natasha. Since you both make valid points, I have decided that the way you will settle this is with a chess match. Tony can start because Natasha will cheat-"
"What? Everyone knows that cheating is an acceptable way of winning if no one sees you cheat." She smiles at her. Then she turns to Bruce, Bucky, Steve and Clint who are still sat down. "Clint, teach the others a video game. Tony has all of them plus some extras he designed. Remotes are over there. I'm going Christmas shopping." Then she plants a kiss on Tony's cheek, whispers, "don't let her cheat," and then sighs as she notices that three of Tony's pawns are gone and they've only had two goes each. Then she leaves in search of presents. She's getting Steve and Bucky a Toy Story box set.

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