Saturday 12th December

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Clint decides to try out Tony's archery range. It is a long room that stretches along one side of the building with bows and arrows along the side. Clint thinks about using his own bow as he doesn't know what half of these do but instead he decides to try put one of Tony's.
He picks a lilac crossbow which has a picture of five arrows underneath. He notices that all of the bows have different numbers of arrows drawn as some sort of a code. There is a quiver next to the bow, also in lilac. Clint straps this on and then looks at where the target should be at the other end of the room. There isn't one. He looks around in case he's missing something  obvious. "JARVIS," he says. "Where are the targets."
"Mr Stark has programmed the wall at the end of the room so that the targets can change depending on user requirements. You can change whether the target moves, at what speed it moves, what size or is and what it is."
"Thanks, JARVIS. I'll have a small standard target please. Keep it still while I warm up."
"Okay, Mr Barton." He projects the correct target onto the far wall. "May I suggest a different bow and arrow set?" That one is explosive."
"It'll be fine," says Hawkeye as he aims and fires.
As soon as the arrow is out if the bow he can see why he was warned. Already the arrow has folded out to gain three spikes around the outside and a red light is flashing. "Uh oh," says Clint as he throws himself to the ground. Suddenly the room is full of heat and light and noise and Clint can feel the hair on the back of his neck shrivel as it burns.
Luckily Tony has designed this room to be bulletproof so the explosion was contained but all of the bows and arrows on the wall have melted and burnt. Clint just looks at them and tells JARVIS, "you break the news to Tony will you? I'll be back when he's calm again."
"But Mr Barton, I thought you wanted to be here for Christmas," is JARVIS' sassy response. Clint just leaves and finds a small cafe where he will sit for a couple of hours until Tony is in a less death like mindset. He'll get him an extra nice Christmas present to make up for it. Like a really big box of chocolates. Or a soldering iron.

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