Sunday 6th December

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Steve sees Bucky on the side of the train and tries to reach out but Bucky is already falling, and there is nothing g he can do. Steve wakes up and the first thing he does is look next to him where he sees Bucky sleeping apparently calmly except for his eyes moving rapidly underneath his eyelids and the occasional murmured word.
Steve silently murmurs thanks and checks the clock. 6 o'clock. He might as well go for a run. He writes a quick note to Bucky and goes to clear his head.
Pepper wakes at 7 and goes to the lab to follow mad Tony working there. He obviously hasn't slept and, as she knocks and opens the door, he looks at her with caffeinated eyes. "Tony," she says gently, "you do realise that people relax o we Christmas."
"I'm not people," he says and goes back to making Hawkeye's tiny bows and arrows.
She sighs. "If you don't take a break," she says, "I'll tell everyone that you've changed your mind and that they can go home."
He looks torn for a moment. "Fine," he says, throwing down his equipment. "I'll take a break." He storms out and Pepper decides not to say anything as she follows.
Steve is back before Bucky wakes up but they need to go soon so he plants a kiss on his cheek to wake him and says, "wake up time, sleepy head."
Bucky wakes up slowly and smiles sleepily. "What are  we doing today?"
"We're going to the Tower for Christmas."
Bucky sighs. "Does that mean I have to get dressed?" In answer, Steve chucks him some clothes and zips up a suitcase.
Almost 40 minutes later, Steve and Bucky are in a train on their way to Manhattan and at midday they arrive at the tower. Bucky rings the doorbell as Steve is carrying the luggage and they both look slightly put out when the door opens by itself. "Hello, Mr Rogers and Mr Barnes. I trust you had a pleasant journey." Steve looks around for the speaker and then remembers JARVIS. "Yes, it was fine." Then to Bucky, "JARVIS is Tony's intelligent computer thing. I think he lives in the wires or something." Steve is slightly thankful when Bucky looks as confused as he did when he first heard JARVIS. "JARVIS, where are the others?"
"Mr Stark and Ms Potts are in the kitchen. Ms Romanova, Mr Barton, and Mr Banner are in the living room. Your bedrooms are on the first floor. Mr Stark was unsure whether you wanted to share a room or separate rooms so you have three rooms to choose from."
They get into the lift and press the button for the first floor (they're old fashioned that way). When the lift opens on the first floor, JARVIS speaks again. Mr Stark and Ms Potts' bedroom is the first door on the left. The other three are yours to choose from."
They look into the three bedrooms. The first door on the right has American flags covering the walls and a single bed. I'm guessing  that's mine," says Steve and they close the door.
The second room is painted in two different shades of blue with a single bed in the centre of the room. "That'll be mine says Bucky.
The second door on the left has a double bed in the middle of the room with a wardrobe to the side and a window looking out over Manhattan. "This is ours," says Steve and sets down the suitcases in front of the wardrobe.
They go to the third floor to greet everyone else and the evening finishes with the whole group watching Star Wars episode I on the TV in the living room. Bucky and Steve sit on one sofa next to Pepper who gives Tony a massage where he is sitting at her feet on the floor. Bruce, Clint and Natasha sit on the other sofa with Bruce dozing off onto Clint's shoulder halfway through. Toby begins to think that this holiday might not go as badly as he was expecting.

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