Wednesday 16th December

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A loud klaxon wakes everyone up at 6am. "Mr Stark," says JARVIS. "Mr Fury is in your living room."
Tony groans and rolls out of bed and lands with a thump on the floor. "Ow." He gets up and makes his way towards the lift.
"JARVIS, can you ask Fury what the hell he's doing in my living room?"
"Mr Fury tells me to assemble the Avengers. I believe it was a joke as he is now laughing to himself."
Tony sighs. "Tell him I'm coming. And stop that damned alarm!"
JARVIS stops the alarm and Tony steps out of the lift and walks over to the living room. He opens the door to find Fury sitting smugly on his sofa.
"How did you get past security, Fury. It is designed to take your right eye out."
"Nice to see you too, Stark. I thought I'd just drop in with some business I need doing."
"We're on holiday."
"That's not how the villains of this world see it."
"Shouldn't we gather the team first?"
"Sure. JARVIS, get everyone up will you. Tell them it's Fury's fault."
"Yes, Mr Stark."
"They'll probably be here quite soon. They all know what 'dress quick' means, after all."
Natasha is the first one down. "Morning," she says, sounding perfectly awake. Clint is right behind her and collapses into an armchair as soon as he gets in, not even bothering to greet Fury.
Steve next with a noticeable lack of Bucky who has probably decided to stay on his nice, warm bed.
Bruce is the last to enter, stifling a yawn as he does so. "Too early," he manages to say before he falls face first onto the sofa.
"That's everyone," says Tony, and looks at Fury expectantly.
"Where's Thor?"
Natasha comes in here. "Technically he was never a member of the Avengers program and also he lives in a parallel universe so I think he has his reasons."
"Well okay then. Here are the files." He goes to put some files on the coffee table, realised there isn't one and then looks around before handing them to Natasha. "Germany," he says.
"What about it?"
"Agent Coulson has been kidnapped by a group who worship Loki. They want to 'talk' to the Avengers."
"Where do we come in?" asks Bruce from where he is now lying face off half on half off the sofa. "I thought America didn't appease terrorists."
"They don't. But you lot are an easy way in and then you can prove your skills to them by completely destroying them."
"Okay," comes the sleepy reply.
Pepper and Bicky decide to stay behind so it is just five of them plus Fury that head for the quinjet. "I'll fly over," says Stark.
"I don't think so," says Fury grabbing his arm. "Still need a mission briefing. Also, you need to keep up your energy." So Tony reluctantly gets onto the jet and they get briefed as they make their way over to Berlin, Germany.

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