"You're like the better version of him..."

He then let go of my hand and frowned at me, "Are you saying that I'll hurt you? You're afraid that I'll hurt you?"

I looked away "I've been there before Nathan, I don't wanna go back."

We suddenly became quite for a couple of seconds until Nathan spoke "Did you ever feel something for me?" he asked, "Of course we're frie-" he suddenly cuts me off,

"Not as friends, did you ever feel something to me? Like a crush or something, answer me truthfully Elizabeth." He said.

I kept my mouth shut.

I don't know what to say!

There have been times when my heart race because of him, there have been times when I really wanna kiss him so bad! Nathan's lovable, there's nothing you can't love about him.

"Elizabeth." He asked again,

"I don't know!" I lied,

"Look at me in the eyes and tell me that again." He ordered.

I didn't do what he said, I just looked away. I can't look at him the eye and tell him my answer, cause I know it'll be different. I might say something...

"Elizabeth." He called my name, but I still didn't look at him.

He suddenly grab my face and kissed me again, I didn't pushed him back I just let him do it.

"I get it... I know what your answer is... I'll book the earliest flight tomorrow. I'm going back to America." He kissed me again on my forehead "I love you..." he said before he walked away.

He loves me...

I just watched him walk away, my heart feels so heavy. Like there's a stone on top of it, I just find myself crying. I wanted to chase after him, I wanted to tell him to stay but for some reason I can't move, my body won't move. It's like my feet is glued on the ground.


I went back home near dark, I stayed in the park for a while to clear my mind.

"Elizabeth..." Mom greeted me, I look up and saw Dad.

"He's still here?" I asked

"Elizabeth just hear your Dad please." Grandma pleaded,

"NO." I walked pass them when Dad said something that made me stop,


"W-what?" I asked, I didn't look at them.

"You're not going to have another sibling." Dad said.

I slowly turn around tears started to fall from my eyes "Are you lying to me?" I asked

"No I'm not lying honey. I always know that that girl is not carrying my child. I never loved that girl in the first place."

"Then why did you go with her? Why did you leave us? Why did you leave me?"

"When my boss offered us to drink with him to celebrate our company's success his daughter was there with us, that girl. We had a few drinks I was planning on leaving early cause tomorrow's your birthday, I wanted to be in good shape for you. But then his daughter stops me and offered me to drink again. I thought she was just being kind so I stayed a little longer until I didn't notice that she made me drunk. When I woke up the next day I was in bed with her, naked. I was planning to leave when she woke up but then she stopped me, she threatened you Elizabeth, she threatens me that she'll do something bad to you if I don't come with her. So I went home and told your Mom that I don't love her anymore, that I love this girl when all this time I've been lying.

It was so hard to leave you two alone, especially you Elizabeth, my princess. I never wanted to hurt you two I just want to protect you guys. I've been living with her ever since and I never touch her, never. That child she have is not mine. I also found out that his Dad, my boss is doing some illegal stuff, I told him that if he didn't discipline his daughter and set me free from her... I'll tell the police about him... Well I still did. The two of them are probably in jail right now. I am now free Elizabeth, I can finally come back to you, to my family." I saw a tear escape from his eyes.

My eyes start to water and my lips curled up for a smiled before I run towards him and hug him tight.

"I missed you a lot... Dad." It's been a long time since I call him my DAD.

"I missed the way you call me. I miss you calling me Dad princess." Dad kissed the back of my head, "We're complete now." Mom joins us and hugged us back.

"What a nice day, you guys look so happy." Grandma smiled at us,

"Come here Granny and join the hug" Dad joke

"I'm too old for that." Grandma said

"Grow up Grandma!" Dad pulled Grandma in and now we're all hugging each other tightly!

Dad move in with us now, finally!

My family is complete! Dad is back and he's not going to leave us again.

I walked pass Nathan's room, I knock but he didn't respond. I didn't knock again, maybe he wants to be alone and besides I have no idea what to say to him.

My feelings are still a bit in a mess right now.

I went back to my room and lay down, then I heard my door opens only to see Dad standing in front of me.

"Dad, why are you here?" I asked

"I want to sleep beside my princess, I just missed you so much princess." Dad walked over to my bed and lay down beside me.

"I missed you too Dad." I told him,

"Go to sleep, tomorrow's another great day." Dad whispered.

"I love you Dad." I told him before I drifted away from the real world into my dreams.






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