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Luke's POV
I have had no sleep what so ever , I have looked fucking everywhere and Emma is nowhere , I try thinking of where she would be but I have no clue ...

" jai " I said

He nodded " can you help me out " I never rarely asked jai for my help

" whats up ? " he walked closer to me

" Emma's gone , she went out last night and left this note " I unraveled the piece of paper from my pocket passing it along to jai

" she defiantly wouldn't of gone home , I've looked everywhere" I frown

" didn't she always go for a walk around by the sea , near the massive trees ?" How could I be so stupid

" but let me look , she proberbly doesn't want to see you " he said referring to the letter she wrote .

" you look some place else ,I'll text you if I see her " he grabbed his coat and closed the door .

Emmas POV
My night was horrible, I slept rough on the floor , I sat up and my back was hurting so much from the uncomfortable sleeping position I slept in last night .

I slowly stood up and brushed the dirt off me and started to walk ; stretching my legs .

I was starving all I could hear was my stomach rumbling , I looked around and I was just surrounded but tones of trees ...

I couldn't stay like this, I had to go back home and face my dads abuse.

I started walking back on myself , so I was lead out of the 'woods'

It took a while but I could finally see the sea " finally " I grunt

"Emma " I heard a light voice

My head turned around and I saw a figure in the far distance , shit !

I turned around and started running I had know clue who it was but I was begging it not to be Luke !

Jais POV
It's so cold outside , if Emma was sleeping out here on her own she must of been freezing . I have no idea why Emma left but it must of been bad because , no body would jump out of Luke's window and sleep on the streets ?

I carried on walking , breathing into my hands to keep them warm. I saw the trees and sped up knowing Emma could possibly be in their.

" Emma ?" I saw someone walking towards me , I knew it was a girl from its features . I started to jog towards her but she ran, it must be Emma .

" Emma , is it you " I called

" stop ,its jai " but she ran faster .

I did my best to keep up with her ,but she was a fast runner God.

" Emma slow the fuck down " I could now tell it was her because I was alot closer , and her dirty hair was swaying as she ran .

I was alot closer to her now so I used all my leg energy and sprinted to her , I grabbed her arm firmly stopping her from running any more .

" Emma " I pulled her in to a hug ,but she fought back trying to run again " its okay " I kept her warm , her hands were freezing .

I took my jacket off and wrapped it around her , I had a jumper also on so I was still warmish .

" let's go back " she shook her head

" I can't " she refused

" can I take you back home " I turned to her and her eyes were glossy did something happen at home ?

Bad Boys Weakness | Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now