Chapter Twenty Three - Death

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Two reverse arches curving from a cross symbol all made up of old bronze fashioned the high wall of the Wide Room and welcomed the two of the strongest of the Knights assassins and Garreth as they entered before its large space. It is the sigil of the Dark Knights Organization, the two knew, and it warned them of the danger ahead for even rushing themselves without permission into the room. Stella didn't catch her breath when she found out there were already people waiting for their arrival and neither that company did. The remaining pair of Dark Knights themselves faced the other face to face, Catseye and Kilo, and the former was wearing a straight face. Kilo instead was quite nervous but one of his hands already held a gun as if bewaring.

"The night is still young." Catseye has chosen to speak ahead.

"Stop this blabber." Stella interrupted. "Let us pass."

"Do you guys have any appointment with the Empress today?" Catseye inspected.

DK, despite his wounds, launched himself towards the opposition of the other two Knights who instantly moved in unison to prevent DK from entering the Empress' lair.

"What is the meaning of this? Now you dragged that hunter to our headquarters? DK, you should know that this woman is no good to this family. Capture that hunter at once!" Catseye exclaimed.

"He is with us." DK insisted.

"He is my husband." Stella said in a haste. Catseye and Kilo smirked on their faces until the former eventually smiled at her own surprise.

"So you remember everything now?" Catseye asked. "Tell me about it."

"You all lied to me. You and Kilo." Stella said. Kilo twitched his eyes for a short moment but the Empress' strong grip in him remained.

"We have done it for you. Isn't that true, DK?"

DK wouldn't let out an answer but remained focused in his anger and hatred of the situation. He didn't want the Dark Knights to be in a serious confrontation like this but he was certain it is coming and he would not be able to prevent it but for once, he will step up for the right thing now. Eventually, DK decided to talk. "This is an issue between me and the Empress, my mother. Move out of this."

"You don't know what you are saying, DK. This woman is now a threat to the family we've built for years! What are you fighting for right now? What would you want from the Empress?"

"She has the truth about everything I doubt about my life. She owes us all the truth, including you, which she has denied us since the beginning."

"There is nothing out there to explain. We are the superior of the hypergenes and it is true that we are assassins of the State but we all knew that even before you came. The Empress gave you your duty and now you dare to oppose in her presence. What happened to you, DK, and what lies did this traitor tell you?"

"Trixie, we are not serving the State! We are killing innocent lives and this has to stop now once you see what there is to see. The Empress owes us the truth."

"I won't believe you when you are telling that speech with a hunter. The Empress taught us not to trust the enemies. Now, I am fighting for her." Catseye threatened.

"I am listening." The door to the private cell opened and Empress appeared before all of them. Her eyes were closed for a moment then they opened like clouds during a sunrise. It mirrored her conviction that she could resolve the matter herself. The aura of immortality was surrounding her like the fog of a hot spring.

"Stella, be careful. You have no idea what an immortal like her can do." DK explained.

"It has come to the part when you know better than everyone in this room." Alexia said. "At least, except me."

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