Chapter Thirteen - History (A Recall)

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Ignacio was gone but she had never felt alone despite she was left to take care of her fatherless eleven-year old son. That was the feeling when she knew she was on top of her own world and she could take anything she desired fearlessly like these shadowy depths of the dungeons of her own castle where she took shelter and its grandeur of the ebony tower. It was far from the chaos that her enemies can bring and the dominion of the Council who betrayed her.

She laughed loudly to herself as she watched the wild egrets dance beyond the borders of the sea and drowned herself in the peace and joy that the waters could bring. She had left her son in the dungeons with a family of rats and hoped that her little pets don't kill him but toughen him like her and like his father.

His name, DK, was same to his father's: Dennis Kean, she could remember very clearly including his voice. It has been a while since her thoughts parted from his image; it was a day-to-day mourning and suffering that has turned to satisfying habits. It had ruined her belief now on which had made her immortal: her eternal yearning for his presence or the youth flowing through her blood. She laughed and laughed and believed that the entire world could hear her. It was what immortality and power combined could do to somebody.

After the rats were killed, DK's view of her would change just like how her view to reality has changed. DK would be merciless and without weakness and then she will train him to become even stronger day after day until all time is wasted. She is the queen and DK would be her knight.

A Knight —what a magnificent pseudonym for an assassin!

She wanted more kids and she would build a family bonded by strength and passion. She will make assassins that would be feared around the globe, most especially the Ironborns who shall covet everything she would have that she had never had before.

Everything that belongs to her she would claim for the family that she would build. The Council has stolen the reason why she was living; hence, she was claiming it back. Who would say she was not happy!

She knew her son would look at her as if she has never been a loving Mother but she has to make her son much like the state she is now. DK would need to catch up to the life they were living now and after Ignacio's disappearance, nothing could be normal again. She does not age and so will her son —soon when he grows up and finds out everything he must know. He will have brothers and sisters to accompany him in his life.

To do this, she must keep him from her enemies and she cannot lose another of her family; she has been too lonely all her life.

Within these walls of isolation, she will reserve her powers until the right time comes when she destroys all her enemies. Obviously, she cannot trust anyone and anyone could be a new enemy though she would effortlessly use her powers to simply annihilate them. She was amazed with every bit of her body: her sharp senses, her power of persuasion which was unbelievably working, the manner how her body healed from any physical injuries, and the infinite energy within her.

She knew now what only matters in her life and she can protect them. During the time when Ignacio was still alive, she had gambled her life on the table simply to acquire what she has to know and Ignacio has helped her. He is now dead but his sacrifices led her to a victory that demolished all her fears and hesitations. She felt like she deserved everything despite that certain cost —isolation and immortality.

Alexia could not do anything about it but she had to be alone and she would die if she would not prevent her enemies from finding and killing her. The latter one, immortality, was surprisingly a cost beyond her expectation. She could not look at the world with the same pair of eyes again. More so, everyone desires to steal her immortality from her and every minute of her life, she was running except today, when she found the home she needs.

She knew she had no other ways to go but to the path of immortality and only this alone she could obtain happiness . . . and vengeance. The Council has killed her husband, Dennis Kean, and nothing, even immortality, could bring him back to life.

Once she and her family were united in power, she will strike and one by one she will annihilate all her enemies until no one is left.


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