"[Y/N], look over there." he tells me.

"Huh? Oh!" I look at where Rindoh is pointing at, and find some parts of the field blackened and some other parts lightly covered by snow. "Are those signs of impurity?"

"I assume so." Kikyo answers. "I have never seen this place in such a condition before, but the Field of Resurrection Lilies is actually a much more beautiful place in its original state."

"Right now, even the village folk can't enter the Field of Resurrection Lilies that easily." Rindoh adds.

"Before all this happened, anyone could enter here as long as he or she had a permission from the chieftain."

"This looks really bad." Shiroya comments. "Why don't we hurry and purify this field?"

"That's right." Kaito says. "But, do you know how to do the purification in the first place, [Y/N]?"

"Don't worry. Just leave it to me!" I inform them. "I've prepared well for this."

"Great. I'm impressed." He smiles cheerfully, and strokes my hair in a slightly rough manner.

He gave me a compliment. I feel happy.

"But just to make sure I don't make any mistakes, I'm going to double check the procedure." I say.

"Alright." Kaito says.

"How are you going to double check it?" Shiroya questions me.

"Look, it's explained here in this scroll." I unpack my baggage and take out a scroll.

"What is that?" Kikyo asks me.

"This is the scroll that Lady [Y/N] the First left for her descendants in the House of [Y/L/N]." I answer him. "It explains how to wield the Sword of the Gathering Clouds of Heaven."

"Cool. So what does it say exactly?" Kaito asks.

"Um, it says, 'If Yamato Island ever faces a crisis  and you need to wield the Sword, focus all your attention on the Sword and pray'..." Drawing his body close to me, Kaito looks into the scroll in my hand. His bangs brush against my cheek, and my heart jumps.

"This is how you purify the symbols? It seems awfully simp- Owo!" Kaito seems to notice how close he has been to me finally, and moves away from me in a fluster. "S-Sorry. I didn't see anything like, you know, uh-"

"N-No problem..." Feeling someone's glance on me, I turn my head towards the direction of it, and find Rindoh and Shiroya grinning.

"Love birds." Rindoh says.

"Geez, I'm jealous." Shiroya says. "But if it's Kaito, I guess I have no choice but to support him."

"So you give her up because he's your best friend, Shiroya? I could never do that."

"Sorry, Mr. Rin. Your effort to approach [Y/N] went in vain."

"H-Hey! What are you guys talking about?" Kaito cries.

"Yeah, you guys, we're not-!"

"Ahem, children, we have no time to be playing around. Let us get this purification done quickly." Kikyo scolds at us in disgust, and we mumble.

Kikyo is right. I have to concentrate. "Okay, I am going to purify the symbol now."

I put down the scroll by my feet, and hold up the Sword in front of my chest.

Focus all my attention on the Sword...

Just as the scroll says, I close my eyes and concentrate on the Sword in my hands. I feel heat starting to gather in my palms.

Destiny Ninja 2: KaitoWhere stories live. Discover now