I nodded at him, putting the cup on the nightstand and looking at him. He nodded as well, sitting down on the chair and clasping his hands together. "How did you hurt your ankle?"

"I tripped," I answered softly, still a little cautious. I had to watch my words, as I didn't want to give off the wrong idea nor say too much.

"Did you hurt your ankle at the same time as you hit your head?" Was his next question. I shook my head, looking at my ankle once before answering, "no. I tripped before I entered the woods, hurting my ankle. I then tripped again and hit my head."

He nodded, looking me over once again and playing with the lipring I had so far failed to notice. It looked good on him, giving him this slightly tougher look.

"Why were you in the woods? I mean, it's not really the safest place. Anyone could have found you," the blonde then spoke. And I had to admit, it hadn't been my brightest idea, no. But in that moment, I didn't know where else to go.

"I..." I started my answer before really thinking about it, regretting it the moment I had spoken. I couldn't possibly tell him everything. Because most importantly, he was a stranger.

"I had a fight with my parents, so I ran away." I eventually said, looking up at him. He seemed satisfied with my answer, nodding. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," I mumbled quietly, looking down at my lap. All I felt in that moment was anger, towards my parents. They had been selfish and inconsiderate, making it their own fault I had run away.

"Do you... Well, I can only assume, but do you have any questions? I mean, I'm pretty sure you're wondering about some things," he then said, raising one of his eyebrows a little.

"Why did you take me here?" Was my first question. I wasn't really sure what else to ask, that question popping into my mind at first.

"My friend thought it was the best to take you here, to take care of you. As I said, the woods aren't the safest place." He explained, seeming honest with his answer. I nodded, trying to think of another question. "How did you find me?"

He shuffled in the chair a bit, playing with his lipring again. "We were out, on a hike. I strayed off a little and stumbled upon you."

It sounded like something casual, as if it wasn't such a big deal. Which made me wonder how he felt about this. Had he agreed with his so called 'friend' to take me here? Or was he not really that happy? Then again, he did take care of me.

"Is it-" I cut myself off, mentally cursing myself for starting something again before thinking it through. The question I was about to ask was stupid. I could never ask that of him -of any stranger. And that was still the truth, he was a stranger.

"Is it what? You can ask anything," he assured, smiling the smallest of smiles at me as I moved a little. I shook my head, looking down at my lap. "It's too much to ask."

"Like I just said, you can ask anything." His words sounded honest, his eyes meeting his words as I looked up at him again.

"I just... I kind of need a place to stay and I guess it's stupid to ask a stranger, but I don't have any other options." I heaved out a sigh, looking down at my lap again and fiddling with my fingers.

Normally, I wasn't this... shy, I guess. I was quite the confident person, always up for something new and daring. But I guess the situation with my parents just made the other side of me come out. The shy and insecure side.

And I hated it, really. I hated it to be so insecure and needing to rely on someone. Strangers in this case.

"Let me talk with my friend about this. Do you mind?" He was already up from his chair, pointing vaguely towards the exit of the room. I shook my head, telling him to go on and do so.

He left the room without another word, closing the door behind him. It left me in silence, wondering if it had been a good thing to ask him this. Could I really trust a stranger?

Sure, he had sort of saved my life out there, I guess. And he had seemingly put something on my ankle, as it was less swollen and hurting. And again, he had given me aspirins and some water, seeming to genuinely care.

Okay, maybe I could trust this blonde stranger. And his friend, because it had been his friend's idea to bring me back here. Though I did wonder who his friend was.

And in that moment, I realised that we hadn't even exchanged names. He was still the 'blonde guy' that was sitting in the chair when I woke up. So I made a mental note to ask as soon as he would return.

And he returned faster than I would have thought.

He entered the room with a smile, my stomach feeling a little funny as I saw him. However, I wasn't sure whether it was a good kind of funny or a bad kind of funny.

"My friend agreed to let you stay here. Until your ankle is better, at least." He informed me, making me nod. I would take that offer, as it was the best I could get, probably. And it was keeping me from home either way.

"Thanks, eh," I raised my eyebrows lightly, hoping that my tone was giving off that I was asking for his name.

"Oh, Luke. My name's Luke. Sorry, I completely forgot." He ran a hand through his hair, then fixed it again. "How about you, though?"

"I'm Valeria." I said, my voice cracking a little as if I had been screaming on top of my lungs for the past hour. That always happened when I got tired.

"Valeria," Luke repeated, as if to try out my name. He nodded a little, smiling again. "A beautiful name."

I chuckled, imagining how someone could have said 'for a beautiful girl' behind it. That is, before I remembered he had said that to me, when we first met.

A soft sigh escaped me. Hopefully me running away solved some things, instead of making them worse.

"You look tired. Should I let you to rest?" Luke asked quietly, looking at me with a caring expression. He seemed a little worried as well.

"Eh, yeah, I guess," I mumbled, rubbing at my eyes. The little bit of make-up that had been left there, now on my hands. But I couldn't care less.

"It's fine, I'll leave you be," he smiled reassuringly, turning around to leave again. "I hope the rest will do you good."

"Thanks," I smiled a little, watching him leave and close the door behind him.

Now I was alone, I bit my lip, trying not to think too much. I pulled the duvet from under me, to throw it over me.

While scooting down -being careful of my ankle- I yawned. I really needed sleep and right now, I had that chance. And so I took it, falling asleep in a strange house, but with a safe feeling.

Out in the Woods [5SOS AU]Where stories live. Discover now