I walked back inside ,keeping a door open, and putting the brush up. I looked at the mirror. Not too bad... I looked horrible with the bags under my eyes. I covered them up, and only put on eyeliner and blush. Then put my contacts in. I walk out, but before doing so I close the balcony door. 

I slid down the stairs. "Wheeeee!" I said sliding down dragging my bag with me. I stopped and walked the rest of the way. Feeling hungry I grab an apple and then my iPhone. I left and threw the apple in the yard. Eco, I giggled. I drove off to another boring day of school, my contacts in and glasses stored and homework all done!

I pulled in the parking lot and stopped the car and put my keys in my backpack. I walked into the school and went to the office, needing to ask the principle about the upcoming things we are going to do for the vollyball team. I would ask the teacher but she's out and I really don't wanna ask the sub because he probably doesn't know crap. I saw a cute nerdy boy that caught my eye. He must be knew I must introduce myself, of course! 

I went up to him and he bumped into me. "Oh I am so sorry!" I said picking up the stuff he dropped.

"Oh, thats my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going..." He said trailing off. He looked SO adorable!! I could just eat him up! I sighed as I looked at his face. "Take a picture it lasts longer." He smirked with a witty comeback as I studied his face. He grabbed wrists, a smirk still on his face as sparks flew up my arms and through the rest of body. My cheeks flamed but I tried to control it. I rolled my eyes, and sighed.

 "Stick it up your a*s, jerk!" I said pulling away from his grip, and walking away. I was instantly mad at him, and then as fast it came was as fast as it went away. I instantly regretted pulling away the tingles stopped and my hands felt cold. I shrugged it off as no big deal and marched to the principle. "Knock knock." I said knocking at the door the same time.

"Come in, come in. What do you need Ms. Day?" Mrs. Smith asked. I looked away and sighed.

"What is going to be the upcoming events for volleyball season?" I asked

"Don't be ashamed... And I really don't know I haven't really planned anything the volleyball coach pretty much plans for me because I have to do other things... Also I was just about to come and get you. Can you PLEASE show Seth around school- Wait you don't even know him, he's the new kid you will like him..." She babbled on and on so I tuned out. I just hope he's not mean for the rest  of the school year!

~~~~~Seth POV~~~~~

 I watched as she walked off. I scowled and looked at the map. My first class was.... 

"I am going to show you around..." The voice said taking my scheudle. Angrily I looked up and saw her.

"Do you even know my name for petes sake!?" I asked almost yelling.

"Seth..." She mumbled looking suprised. "You have all the same classes as me!" She yelled.

"No!!!" My mind yelled. I snatched back the scheudle. She grabbed my hand and pulled me. I ignored the sparks going through my body and followed her. I am being dragged by probably the most popular girl in school. And I am a nerd. I pushed up my glasses and smiled.

I can tell we are totally going to be enemies! Wait, I did NOT just say totally!

~~~~~Leslie POV~~~~~

I can already tell we are going to be enemies by the sound in his voice. I don't usually not get along with nerds, but this is a special case. He's in all my classes! And I have to find out why! This isn't fair!! He is the only person that had all my classes... This is going to be a h*ll of a school year...

~~~~~After school~~~~~

I sighed in frustfration. He was paired up with me in every single class. And now I have to meet him up after school tomorrow for a project! I finally got in my driveway. I hopped out with my bag in my hand and closed te door.


I woke up and yawned it was saturday, but I didn't care I still woke up early. I looked at the clock 10:23 AM. Cool, I still have like a few hours until we have to meet up at the local park. I got in the shower and then when I was done I hopped out and got dressed.

I walked downstairs and grabbed an orange. I wonder if people will ever make up a word that ryhmes with orange. Anyways, I grabbed my iPhone and threw the orange peel away. I got in my car and closed the door and started the car. I turned on the A/C and drove off.

I finally reached the park and parked. I waited a couple minutes, then got out. I grabbed my iPhone and put it in my back pocket and then walked over to the swings, sitting down I texted my mom I was here safe and sound. She texted back an 'okay I am sleeping!' and I laughed. It was 1:45...The rest of my family are so LAZY! I giggled and then a shadow came over me. I looked up to see Seth standing there looking a little tired. 

"Ready...?" He asked sounding WAY more tired than he looks. I sighed and stood.

"Where are we going to do the project at?" I asked putting my hand on my hip. He smirked and got closer, like he wasn't close enough.

"You'll see..." He said, sending shivers down my back. This isn't going to end well. At all!


Yay! I am finished with the chapter. It took me forever... I mean with everything going on, I had the idea but couldn't write! D: whatever! Its here now! :D

 Sorry if its short :(

<3 Ky

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