Chapter 11: Death By Clown

Start from the beginning

 I forced a nervous laugh and then situated my body so I am now behind Francine. “Yeah, he’s a looker alright.” The whole time she talked I was focused on the Clowns face, who was staring at me with their huge creepy black eyes.

She turned and patted me on the shoulder, “You two can hang out in the guest rooms if you want,” she said, and I got a whiff of beer breath.

Great! The only person that could possibly save me from this psycho is drunk!

I quickly grabbed her arm, “No, no that’s ok please don’t leav—“

White gloved hands grabbed around my waist, and the clown pulled me against his muscled body. I instantly tried to pull away, but his strong grip is holding me still. “That sounds fantastic Francine, thank you for your hospitality. We will only be a few minutes in there so don’t worry,” the Clown hissed in my ear, making sure to give my butt a nice squeeze.

I know the real meaning of that whole sentence. It will only take a few minutes to murder my ass.

“No! Don’t believe—“he turned me around and pressed my face into his warm costumed chest, muffling my words.

Francine, if you could kindly keep this whole ‘guest room’ thing a secret, I would greatly appreciate it,” he said alluringly, and almost as a command. I turned my head a little, trying to mouth ‘help’ but his white clothed hand stayed over my mouth.

Sweet Jesus help me.

“Ohh, I see,” she whispered, putting a finger to her lips, and smiled like crazy. “You too have fun.” Then she gave me a wink.

She crept away to the table in the corner, and I instantly was pressed harder to the clown, “We are going to have lots of fun, all alone in the house.”

He dragged me into the kitchen, muffling my screams with his hand.


I grabbed onto the counter, and anything we passed, trying to get away from him. I latched onto the edge of the wall, gripping it with all my might and trying to kick him off.

“Don’t fight me you’re making it harder on yourself,” he snapped smoothly, pulling at my hips. I screamed, but nothing came out of my mouth.

What the heck?

“I took your voice box for a moment,” a deep voice explained, between snickers.  I realized it’s still the hooded guy’s voice. My fear of Clowns must have made me think it was someone—

“Let go of the damn wall!” he screamed, in the scariest voice I’ve ever heard. My fingers are starting to feel numb, but I’m still holding on for dear life. He dropped my hips, and I fell to the ground with a thud.

“No!” I rasped quietly, crawling away from him. I began to get up, when a strong hand grabbed my ankle. “Oof!” I looked up, to see the Clown’s eyes narrowed down at me, and my eyes widened. He looks like a freaking monster!

My breaths became fast, and I reached into my pocket to get the rock. I held it up to throw it at him, and he tilted his head a little bit.

“Faith, put the rock down,” he said gently. “No need to do that—“I chucked it at his chest, and he got out of the way before it hit him. I got up quickly and kneed him where it counts.

He fell to his knees, and then onto the ground hissing through his teeth. I backed up looking from the door to the staircase, then where the rock landed. Running to it, I put it into my pocket and grabbed a huge white vase on top of their dining room table. “So…heavy!” I bit out, as I rounded the hallway. The Clown started to get up on his forearms, and I smashed the vase onto his head.

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