01 | Her Clockwork Heart

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"Good to know she listens to me." she smirked and he rolled his eyes.

"We should get ready for school." He said, "It starts soon."

"I will be there in a few minutes."

He nodded and hopped off of the branch, falling all the way down until he landed gracefully on his feet below. Adele stared back at the horizon, taking Alice's visions lightly, as she usually did. She always got her hopes up, only for them to be crushed. However, unbeknownst to Adele, Alice was right this time: everything was about to change.

And so the story begins...


In the mist after the rainfall, so thick and settling, the Cullens walked towards the entrance of the grand cafeteria of Forks High School where the rest of the normal human students lounged and ate. Alice and Jasper Cullen opened the doors and entered first, followed by Rosalie and Emmett Cullen. Many of the students turned their heads to watch the graceful and devastatingly beautiful Cullens pass by their tables - it was a normal affair. They walked towards the back of the cafeteria where their usual table remained unoccupied for their use.

Edward and Adele tailed their other adoptive siblings as the last two of the lot to enter with unexplainable grace. They had not reached the table yet when Adele heard Edward's curious thoughts, all directed towards an unfamiliar human girl seated a little ways away. He furrowed his eyebrows as he looked away from her, realizing she was the one human in the room who's thoughts he was unable to read. The girl was pretty enough; dark brown hair outlined a pretty face and made her oddly pale complexion stand out. Her brown eyes curiously examined the mesmerizing Cullens and she turned to question her friends about them.

Can you read her mind? Edward thought, counting on Adele to hear it. She nodded. Although the edges of her mind were blurred, she pushed through the blurriness and found a whirlwind of thoughts all revolving around the charming Edward Cullen. As they set themselves down at the table, Adele and Edward made it their business to listen in on the human girl's conversation with the other students sitting around her.

"Who are they?" the brunette, Isabella Swan, inquired.

"The Cullens." the captain of the volleyball team and popular girl, Jessica Stanley, responded with an envious glance at the family. "They're Dr. Cullen's and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They all moved down here from Alaska two years ago."

The school a student photographer, Angela, chimed in as she cleaned her camera lens with a cloth, "They kind of keep to themselves-"

"-Because they're all together - like - together together." Jessica exclaimed, "The blonde girl on the left, Rosalie, and the big dark-haired guy, Emmett - they're a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal."

Rosalie was beautiful; long, thick blonde hair, plump lips and long eyelashes accompanied her golden irises. Emmett was attractive in a burly, muscular sort of way - with the strong build of a bear, he stood at six-foot-two with short dark hair and angular features.

"Jess, they're not actually related." Angela pointed out, staring dreamily at honey-haired Jasper Cullen.

"But they live together." Jessica turned back to Bella, "And the little dark haired girl, Alice - she's really weird - she's with Jasper, the blonde who looks like he's in pain."

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