It's a Method Behind It

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Well I hope but to answer their question. Fucking die on the spot, maybe start screaming. See that's the human thing to do when you're scared shitless.

Now the metaphorical part of this bitch. Life is always throwing shit your way and the older you get, the challenging it gets. I'm thinking of a situation now where I want you all to get it not just some.

Situation One: (Relationship Wise) Say you've since you started dating, every relationship has been a damn FAIL. And when you get to the fifth guy who just hands down perfect just for you. It's like he's too good to be true and you don't know how to show him the same love he's showing you. Not just on a physical level but an emotional and mental level. Long story short, you end up losing him because it's your first time experiencing something like that.

Situation Two: (Best Friends vs. Acquaintances) Propel come and go in your life. I've honestly have had the same friends since I moved back to my home town. Exactly twelve years ago, I actually had to repeat first grade because my school before was so damn far behind and the teacher couldn't catch me or my brother up so we both repeated the same grade. Anyway my second year of first grade I made the most amazing people who to this very day I call my sisters, they're my everything. No matter what we go through I'll always be there for them vice versa. Now an acquaintance (fake ass friend) someone who ain't really your friend. These muthafuckas would do anything to see you crumble. It's a bitch now walking around with a target on her face. I'll save that for another day but you get the point.

Situation Three: (Life in general) Everything ain't always easy. Trust me I know first hand. I'm 19 and still gotta abide by my mom and her every rule. Everything I do has to go by her. But look I've never been to jail, don't have no kids. Never been to court. And yet she don't trust me. Like I do everything to please her and it's just not enough. Like let me know what I'm doing room. I stay in the house all week and every now and then I might go out but I gotta ask her.

Point to all this, life is full of twist and turns so just be prepared for whatever. If it knocks you on your ass don't cry about it. Get up dust that ass off and try it again. I ain't giving up until I get what I want. I'm 19 and only getting better thanks 21shortay_ for the advice the other night.


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