Chapter 12: ♭ Flat

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The following day Andy made a visit to a New York Central doctor and he was deemed fit enough to continue with the rest of the tour.

"Ready to hit the road guys?" Blasko calls as we gather together. "We're going to the nearest New York airport and catching a flight to Miami."

I suddenly felt a burst of euphoria and excitement weld up inside me and I almost screamed. I had been to Floria as a kid endorsed in Disney World but I had never been to Miami.

During the flight, I find myself with Ash on one side and Jake on the other. Jake is beginning to doze off as usual after eating a fairly large taco.

"Yuck! Stop stinking the place out man!" Ash moans.

"W-what?!" Jake immediately snaps awake, "Wasn't me it was Ernie..."

"Ernie ain't even here dumbass, " Ash groans, "and anyway, what the hell was your dog doing in your dream?"

"Don't even ask! Trust me.. You don't want to know..." Jake informs resolutely.

We continued chatting for some time and CC brought up the fact that he'd seen this video of a cat dancing like Michael Jackson.

"You'll have to show us when we've got Wifi in Miami." Jinxx comments then remains silent.

I began to snooze myself after that and before I knew it I was being nudged awake by Ash.

"Sad to say, but this is our final show in the U.S tomorrow, but we will take a break and restart in three weeks time." Blasko declares as the plane came into land.

"You still okay for the world tour Alice? You're welcome to go back home if you are finding it too much. We have backups for other support acts."

I gently shook my head and looked to my left to find Ashley smiling with relief. We hadn't kissed yet but I felt so happy after spending time with him last night.

"Looks like the cat's out of the bag. Why don't you two share a room?" CC is so bluntly honest and it is clear that he can see right through Ash and mine's furtiveness as we look back at each other.

All I could do was stare at Ashley until he spoke.

"She's my girlfriend CC, I think we can decide when and what we choose to do together! He retorts rather harshly.

Once again, Ash defends me and pulls me aside.

"Just ignore CC. He can be a pain in the arse sometimes."

"Hey I heard that!" CC shouts. "I'm only sat here on the fucking plane you idiot!"

Ash just laughs and CC turns to talk to Jinxx and Andy.

They have some fairly heated arguments sometimes but they always shake it off. Guess that's just the brotherhood of the band. I thought.

A few minutes later, we are rushing through the terminal attempting to salvage whatever is left of our luggage then mounting aboard a slightly bigger van than the last one; again with the BVB logo on the side.

"Unfortunately, despite the fact that we are a famous rock band we do not have tour buses all over the fucking world, just half a dozen in the US. So I hate to say it but this is your last 'choffered' ride." Andy explains, winking as he lights a long awaited fag.

Ash creeps up from behind and smiles as we get inside. CC tosses me a Monster energy drink and I lay back and open the can as we hit the road.

Miami huh. I gaze out of the tinted windows to view the city.

We may have landed a flat when Andy was ill, but I was glad that we were able to continue with the rest of the tour.

****TIME PASS****

Once in the hotel I decide to Skype my friend Carolyn from Minnesota. She lived about 20 miles from Minnepolis but I had often gone to see her on my commute to and from work and we were close friends. I had already told her that I was touring with Black Veil Brides and being a fan herself she was super thrilled and possibly even a little jealous of me.

"Wow your in Miami then?" Carolyn quizzes enthusiastically through the Skype screen.

"Yep." I grin into the webcam.

"Wait a minute there's something else isn't​ there? What is it? Go on tell me!"

"Ash and I..."

"Oh my fucking god seriously? You're together?"

I nod.

"Have you done anything yet?" She ask cheekily.

"No not like that... He is really sweet and protective though." I blush.

"Aww, I bet you are really cute together... How long?"

"Only officially since last night..." I struggle to look directly into the camera and accidentally jerk the hotel bedside table that my laptop is balancing on.


"Nah. Not yet."

"I'm so happy for you. Let me know when you start the world tour and tell me where the heck you are. And don't forget to send me pictures!"

"Of course." I smile and switch off as I wave her goodbye.

After my Skype call, I meet up for a coffee with Ashley and he runs through some more designs with me eager to make an entire new line.

I am astounded at how much work he has completed in just a few days. I think to myself as I flick the pages of his large ring binder.

"I'm so glad to have you as my little helper, Alice." Ash cries as he leans over the book to jot down the number of the design I was staring at before I had even said that I liked it.

I could only smile as I turn the page to the next design.

Author's note: See below for video of Jake's dogs Ernie and Trixie! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, thanks again for reading! Peace out and hug Boston Terriers! Many thanks for 1K views!

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