Chapter 11: Heart Of Fire

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That night Ashley chats to me after our evening meal.

"I really enjoyed spending time with you today," he smiles, "it was fun."

"Yes, it was." I feel my face flush as he taps me on the shoulder. I quickly turn my face away but CC catches it.

"Ooh! Look who's blushing! What did you two get up to today?"

Ashley suddenly looks embarrassed and stands up against CC.

"Leave her alone CC, we were just organising my clothing line!"

W-what? I've never seen him act like this... Is he protecting me?

CC is stunned at Ash's mood change as much as I am and quietly leaves the room without a further remark, although I can't help but notice a slight smirk on CC's face as he closes the door behind him. After that, it is just me alone with Ash.

"Come on Alice, let's go back to the penthouse, I've got some more designs and I want you to be the first to see them."

"Urm.. Okay." I reply shyly.

A few days pass like this until one day Ash comes out with.

"I can't lie when I say I enjoy being with you, Alice. Would you like to come out for a drink with me sometime, and I promise it will just be us two. No interruptions!"

I laugh and then realise that Ash is being serious. I feel quite taken aback and my hands are quaking as I find myself stammering. "S..sure..."

We had gained some sort of deference between us over the course of the tour and I believe that we were already more than mere friends.

A significant moment of silence was abruptly broken when Ash grasped my shaking hand and took me down the lift and out into the city lit night.

Almost impossible to make out a single star the mist of New York's artificial yellow glow, it gleamed with magnificently tall buildings and skyscrapers, each dappled with city lights and media screens.

I struggle to picture what is running through Ashley's mind as he leads me unawares through the city. We jump into a cab and Ash gives the name of a bar on West 57th Street inside a snazzy hotel. The bar is called something like 'The Roof' or 'Rooftops' as it has a beautiful view of Central Park and Ash talks a word to the barman before he leads me onto the balcony seats outside.

Inside, it is surprisingly quiet for a Friday night and only a few people are sat sharing select beverages and refreshments with friends. The balcony is nicely lit by candles and small fairy lights. I pull up my chair to face Ash after reading the menu.

I couldn't decide on a drink so feeling guilty I settled on my old favourite whiskey and coke. Ash had offered to by a bottle of champagne or wine between us but I shook my head after staring at the staggering prices on the wine list.

"Whiskey's fine."

Ashley grins at my answer and buys two whiskey+cokes with double shots for us. I begin to notice a different side to Ash as he takes a sip and looks me in the eye.

"So this is our first official date then. You know what they say... Whiskey makes you frisky..."

I am unsure how to answer his corny and slightly embrassing remark, but I just blush and hide behind my glass.

"Have you ever dated anyone before Alice?" Ash quizzes.

Well that was straight to the point. I thought. I feel uncomfortable as I mumble through gritted teeth. "Once. Though it was serveral years ago when I was 17."

Ash could see that thinking about the past upsetted me and somehow he moved to another subject.

"Sorry.. So you've played guitar for quite a few years now. Did you have a tutor when you first started?"

"Yes. Though I only played acoustic up until the age of 16."

"Want me to teach you bass? Get you in the cool zone? It's easy if you can already play guitar. Besides it's super sexy!" Ash winks at me cheekily.

"How about I get you into treble first?" I beam at my own pun. Attempting to play with Ash at his own game.

"Nah. Thanks for the offer, but I like to keep it down low." He answers with a dirty look in his eye.

Ouch..Did he really mean that? On a first date too... What the fuck?!

There was a brief pause of awkward silence but we found ourselves moving on to the topic of media and graphic design.

"I didn't know you studied media and graphics!"

I had to calm Ash down from his intense surprise as I continued to talk about my favourite topic.

"Yep. I have a major in media and a minor in graphics."

"That's totally sick! Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Not sure really." I reply shyly, averting my gaze downwards.

Ashley immediately grasps this and says whilst holding my sweaty palms. "Why don't we work together on a few new designs? Not because Andy is recuperating, as he is fine now, but so that we can create something new for AP Fashion Inc.?"

I find myself grinning from ear to ear at this remarkable idea and my insides are burning with ecstacy. I guess I'm more than just a fan now!


Author's Note: Yeah I know that chapter was a little cringy but I hope you liked it anyway... :) Please leave a comment. I'm off to play bass now, learnt about six BVB tracks just on bass and I don't even own a f***in' bass guitar! Guess that's Purdy fever for you... They even made a pokémon card... *sigh*

Peace out! And be awesome!

Peace out! And be awesome!

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