"Did you hear?? A new girl, she is such a nerd." I looked through the side of the stall and saw 2 blond bimbos standing at the sink. Typical, they are probably in grade 10 or 11. I sighed quietly and watched as they continued their conversation, and then left. I got out of the stall and finally able to leave. I had about a minute to collect and get to my next class.

~After school~

My mom refused to drive me, or pick me up. So now I just lost my bus! God dang! I kicked a little rock and walked to my house. Luckily it was a 15 minute walk. 7 minute to 9 minute drive, depending on traffic that day. 

I walked and walked and it took me forever. I finally got home, and by the time I got there I was sweating like crazy. It was still a little warm outside. But when you had to walk 15 minutes home WITH the heat, its crazy. I CAN'T WAIT until fall or winter. Fall is my favorite, winter is too, but not as much.

I got inside and quickly did my homework. It was easy. It only took up to 30-45 minutes. An hour the most. I got new clothes, my pj's and stripped as soon as I locked the door. I hopped in the shower, sighing in relief as the cold water hit me. Then I turned it to like volcano. It relaxes all my tense muscles. Most people can't stand it, but I LOVE it. Especially after a cold day. 

~Later around the end of school~

I sighed in relief as another day was checked off my calender. A few more days until summer break. And believe ME when I say I can't wait any longer!! I mean I am a nerd and everything, but that's just to impress my parents. I pushed up my big nerdy glasses, as always and missed my bus as usual. I was fine with walking.

Ever since the first day, I kept walking. Even people offered me rides. Yep, I wasn't popular. But most people just ignored me. Others tried to make friends, but I wasn't ready to trust anyone just yet. I mean your never know. Right??

Anyways after the usual 15 minutes walk I did my thing, you know homework shower read and then eat dinner then bed. Normal day for me. It was a lovely Friday, and I was just sitting here reading a book until I heard a knock on my balcony window. Yes I am semi-rich, but no one knows that. I spend my allowance on books un-cool clothes (yep) and more sneakers plus all these other things. BUT mostly books. I opened the balcony to see one of the people who tried to give me a ride. 

I think her name was, Shelby? Anyways I looked at her crazily as she walked in my room. "You are rich?!" She shrieked quietly looking at me. 

"Yes?" I said more of a question. "Wait... Anyways what are you doing here?!" I sort of yelled as she looked through my closet. OH NO! Not deep in there. (That sounded wrong) I had this light blue party dress that she pulled out that my parents gave me. for my birthday. My closet was a walking which was pretty sweet.

"Your going to a party." She said smirking.

~After makeover~

"Oh my gosh! WHO IS THIS GIRL IN THE MIRROR!?" I yelled, but kept quiet. It was 9:30 PM and my parents were sleeping.

"You silly." She laughed. I grabbed my blue dorky glasses, I could not see at all. YES I ACTUALLTY USE THEM, unlike other people. 

"No. No. And No!" She yelled taking them away. "You are wearing these contacts I found in your bathroom!" She said pointing to the ones on the counter.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled. I heard a knock on my door, and heard my mom say 'Shush'. I breathed heavily, already missing my glasses. "Please give them back..." I pleaded, trying to look sincere. 

"I mean... I guess..." She said putting them down. "NOT!" She yelled quietly. She grabbed them back and ran away. Luckily she didn't know I had another pair so I slipped them in my purse quickly and then she came back with nothing, panting from running so fast.

"Really? You just had to hide them?" I asked trying to cover up all the rest of the pairs I had. I had all the colors! Pink, purple, light blue, dark blue, white, black, green, violet, etc!! I pushed the box away as she put the contacts in. I looked around and turned to the mirror. And saw  a new girl. And I was definintely going to show it proudly.


So now you know. But the day after the party I found out I was moving. To Florida. Yep...

It's definitely going to be rough I thought as all the boys gawked at me walking down the hall. I gave up my glasses but I still had one that matched my outfit every single day just in case...


Yepp so there it is. I hope its long. The scrolling thing was small. I know its not going to be as long as I hope but I hope its good enough. Anyways, as I said this is just a side story! :D

<3 Ky

P.S: Read these storys! I will post one user and all their books on here! :D

By: Loverz9

The Hot Kidnapper ((HILARIOUS!))

'Dunno any else... But go check her out! :D

Him And His Nerdy GlassesWhere stories live. Discover now