Chp. 12 - Clearing the air

Start from the beginning

Wait for it. She whispered to me and she was right within seconds Taylor was running after me, but only caught up cause I slowed down.

"Hold up!" he shouted spinning me around, "What do you mean prortect me?" he asked,

"Four days ago I was attacked by a group of hunters, I almost died, my Alpha wants blood, we haven't had hunters in this area for over two hundred years and he wants to exterminate the lot of you so you can't be a threat to us" he saw the intensity in my eyes and the severity of my words and knew I was making any of this up.

Taylor gestured for his car and I followed him over, jumping into the passenger seat, it was better if we were moving. Speeding when he hit the highway we sat silently for a few moments,

"I'm sorry about you almost dying" he mumbled, trying to make it sound in a way that was bad but failed miserably,

"Just tell me that you had and will have nothing to do with the Hunters" his lips formed a hard line as his hands tightened around the steering wheel making his knuckles go white.

"I can't do that Lily" all hope fell, my heart stopped when I realised I had to go to war with my friend,

"My family has hunting in its blood, it's what we were born to do, just like you were born a werewolf I had no choice what lifestyle I was born into. My father is a bastard, he prefers the crash course version of learning and to toughen me he beats me til i can barely move." I look at Taylor and I notice a hardness about him, bitterness in his eyes and poison in his words, the way he sets his shoulders and how his hair has grown longer. He's changed and it hasn't been for the better.

"My father tells me that Werewolves are the work of the devil, we kill them to keep the humans safe, to protect them from the viciousness of the Weres. He said a werewolf killed my mother and he could not save her because he refused to Hunt werewolves, like the rest of his family, saying that Werewolves weren't beasts of the fullmoon, after that his heart has gone cold and he's conducted others into his crusade to kill every single last werewolf, my older brother, my cousins, uncles. They've all moved here with the purpose of wiping out your pack" this came as a shock to me, I heard of the attack, but it wasn't one of ours, his father is wrong there is only one type of werewolf that kills innocent defenseless humans.

"That was a rogue that killed your mother, we're a pack, we protect the humans, we only harm those we need to, those who threaten us, like Hunters. We're not beasts, we've have a mind, we have a conscience." I had no idea where we are, we're surrounded by forest, the trees zooming by as the sky grows darker.

"I know. I know most of you aren't like that-"

"None of us are like that!" I shout at him, not wanting to talk any further but I was stuck in a car with him, driving like a lunatic.

"Are you sure?" he asks, his voice serious,

"I'm one hundred percent positive" I speak through clenched teeth. How dare he question the honour of my pack.

"Lily, there will be a fight and I don't want you in it" he says,

"You shouldn't be in it" I yell, "I will be fighting along side my pack like it is my duty to do, if I die then I die defending my family, if you die what are you defending?" he goes quiet, I can see the clocking ticking in his head but nothing comes out. After a few moments we pull back into the dark parking lot of the highway diner and I climb out,

"Lily" he calls before I get a chance to leave, "My sister, I'm fighting to defend Aria, I don't want this life for her" he says solemnly,

"If you fight and you die, she will grow up in this life and you will not be able to stop the darkness that will consumer her" his eyes widened and I walk away back to my car, and head home before I can damage private property.

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