Too Many Injuries (Part 1)(11)

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I didn't want to work with him.
But I need the money, and Anna can't work. She's still in high school and this is the closest place I can work at.

Begrudgingly I drove to Tianas Place and began serving people. After serving a rather rude woman I turned around sharply, when I was knocked over and fell down, dragging the table cloth, glasses, cutlery, plates and candles.

Candles. With fire.

The table cloth caught fire and I was cut by the smashed wine glass. But worst of all...

The table cloth was on top of me. I screamed out for help and people were shouting and running to me. Time seemed to slow down.

It was like I had tourettes or something. I was moving around screaming.

This time it wasn't a prank. It was real.

I felt the hot burning sensation leave and being replaced with ice cold water. I was shaking uncontrollably and reached a shaky hand to my cheek, I felt sticky warm liquid on my palm.

Damn it, I'm bleeding.

I stood up and looked around, Tiana was rushing to me with a wet towel and she pushed it gently against my cut. I winced as she cleaned it. Surprisingly, besides rolling my ankle, that was my only injury.

"Oh My! Lottie! Bring the girl a cup of water!" Tiana cried out to a well dressed woman with blonde curled hair tucked under a pink bonnet. I shook my head and saw Alex looking at me with a concerned look. I rolled my eyes at him and continued with work. No one said anything about it for the rest of my shift.

I patted my cheek with a damp towel and re-tied my hair into a messy bun. My phone screen lit up with Anna's face. I pressed the green button and placed the phone to my ear.

"Elsa. Rapunzel is here." Anna said in a low voice. I groaned loudly.

"I'll be there in 10." I mumbled.

She ended the call and Tiana came up to me.

"Elsa. You go home now, you had a long day." Tiana said with sympathy.

"Thanks Tia." I breathed wiping my wet hands on my apron. She hugged me tightly and I smiled, she reminded me of my mum. Oh I miss her so much.

I pulled away from the hug and walked to the employee car park. I took my keys out put them in the lock. I felt the metal slip from my fragile fingers and I muttered some colourful words. No I didn't say,  "Purple orange green!"

I bent down and picked them up, sighing as I looked at the moon, it looked so beautiful. I shook my head and sat down in my car.

Rapunzel. That's right. I drove like a maniac to get home. I don't think the car came to a stop when I slammed my door opened and turned the car off. Rapunzels car was parked out the front. I mumbled some unintelligible words and went inside.


This can't be happening.

Rapunzel had Anna and Merida tied to chairs, duck tape over their mouths and bruises all over them. They looked like they were dead.

Anna looked up at me and began thrashing around, Merida noticed and snapped her head up. Their eyes were filled with fear and tears. Merida screamed but it was muffled. I ran to Rapunzel and tackled her to the ground.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" I shouted. Rapunzel laughed like a maniac. Then became fearful and looked around her.

"HANS MADE ME!" She shouted back.

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