The Little Boy Was The Wolf All Along

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I thought I might make something random. So why not read about the life of a child who was raised by wolves and then found by an boy about 2 years older than him?

Wolves.. The original dogs in the food chain. Strong, powerful, and beautiful creatures to look up to. Social pack animals like the wolf are so much better than any human socialization. Each individual understands their place and will mate for life with their partners. They are so much smarter and kinder.. That's why for centuries we've hunted them down to near extinction.

It was an ugly day.
Snow covered the grounds, wind whipped and whistled in the trees as a 14 year old child ran through the woods. He was trying to get home from getting lost in the snow storm. He doesn't know how long he's been gone, or even if his family are worried, but he keeps running. The reason?
Wolves. And not just the regular amount of wolves, a super pack. They swarmed the forestry around him, blending in with the scenery.
Pure adrenaline was all the boy had been running on for the last hour. He couldn't stop, he was terrified of the man eater pack.
The boy found an old shed and quickly ducked into their for safety. He closed every door and window and sat, holding his knees, in the center of the small area. He sat petrified as he watched the wolves clawing at the doors and windows. At one point, he could hear them walking on the roof, and he prayed to God that it was sturdy.
But after another 3 hours, it started to become silent. The wolves still remained, but they were tired. They all lay down around the doors not leaving a single escape way.
The child was tired himself, and had collapsed onto the floor in exhaustion and hyperthermia. He could hardly breathe now, and there was nothing in sight he could use for warmth. His body was too weak to stand, he couldn't  get up to search for anything, the boy knew he was going to die.
But then suddenly, in all of the quiet, the sound of a door handle being turned open arose from somewhere in the shed. Footsteps came, multiple, but the boy only closed his eyes, no longer able to fight what was to come.
He blacked out as he was dragged outside.
Anthony awoke in a dark place. He had no idea where he was or what was happening but he quickly shot up. There was the sound of shuffling and low breathing within the entire area. Slowly and silently, he arose on both fours and started to crawl towards light. As he glanced around just a little, he could absolutely tell that the shuffling from earlier was from the multiple wolves all around himself that were asleep. He quickened his pace, trembling and struggling to keep his composure.
He was sure he would die, but miraculously, he made it out perfectly fine. He was starving and yearned for warmth, but he didn't let that bother him. He got up and quickly began to run away from that place, but he felt eyes on him. He kept running until he fell down to the ground, and that's when he was able to hear the steps behind him, following hurriedly. He was shaking, but he gripped his fist and gritted his teeth and pushed himself up and looked behind him.
His eyes nearly leaped out of his head at the sight of what followed him.
It was a naked and skinny boy. He wasn't scrawny, but still skinny. The boys eyes looked wild, terrifying.
"H-hey! Knock that off! Wh-where are your clothes at??" The boy stopped moving, his eyes were wide, as if he wasn't expecting me to turn towards him, much less shout at him.
He quickly got up and began to run again. The boy immediately shot up at his action and started to chase after him, he ran on all fours. In the distance, Anthony could see the highway, he was super relieved.
But he suddenly stopped before reaching it, and turned towards the boy. The kid looked to be around his own age, blonde hair with green eyes and muscles that screamed "power."
"Hey, can you even understand me?" The other boy scrunched up his face and cocked his head, an obvious sign, he didn't understand at all.
The boy walked over to him, sniffing him. Anthony was completely confused but he wasn't bothered. He knew by the looks of this boy, the kid wasn't raised with other humans.
"What.... Happened to you..?" As he was reaching out to the kid, his name being called had immediately turned him around. His parents at the road had found him.
"Mom? Dad?" He felt nervous. Anthony quickly turned toward the boy, who was scurrying into the bushes in fear. He wanted to call out to him, but he knew it would be pointless. The kid wasn't used to humans after all.
"Oh Anthony!! We've been looking everywhere for you!" His mother and father came over to him, wrapping him in their arms. None of them noticed the boy in the bushes, except until the police came, and their dog began to growl. The kid shot out, and ran back towards the direction of the wolves. No matter how much the cops called out to the kid, it was pointless.
"Mom, dad, I got chased by the super pack!! That kid h-he followed me a-and I don't think he's ever actually met anyone else! He didn't understand anything I said!" They just nodded and pushed him towards the car, he wanted to protest, but knew he couldn't. The kid wasn't his matter to take care of, he could only leave the rest to the police and their dogs.
Anthony looked out of the window as the car left, he stared out at the forest, a small hope that he'd see the boy again.
2 years later...
Anthony's POV:
I'm running to the mental institution right now. Recently, a boy was found lying in the forest, stomach nearly torn out! His face had to definitely be him! It definitely just had to be!
My parents didn't even notice me slip out the house, like always. They'd be pissed off if they knew I was running to see a stranger.
Oh yeah, my name is Anthony Ackerman, the son of a big company owner. I hate it with a passion.
I reached the institution that I heard he was being held in. The lady at the front desk looked at me as if I belonged in there.
"I came.. *gasps* to see the.. The blonde haired boy. I think.. I think I know him." My news had perked the interest of a nearby cop, he was holding a clipboard with a picture of the guy on it.
"You said you know that kid?? And are you positive?"
"Yes sir, it just has to be him! My names Anthony Ackerman, my dad owns Ackerman and Johnston means wear, so you can trust me sir! I'm not lying!" The cop had a hard look on his face, more than likely not believing a single thing I said.
"Well, you're the first person who's actually come and might provide us answers, so we'll just have to let you in... But kid, brace yourself okay?" I nodded my head. He must've still been in really bad shape.
I was led down stairs, almost seemed like a basement, but there were multiple rooms. All had huge doors with a one sided window. The people were.. Terrifying.
"Okay, here we are..." I looked into the window to see someone in chains, over their face was a muzzle. Without thinking, I pushed the door open and his head shot up. I was mesmerized by his beautiful wild eyes. The green orbs stared out towards me and I could feel the adrenaline, but it only lasted a few seconds before I was dragged back.
"Kid what the hell do you think you're doing?!" As I was being lectured I suddenly heard a loud crying sound. I looked back into the window at the boy in chains straining against the chains trying to get out. "Look at what you've done! You got him all stirred up!"
"Y-you have to let me back in there!! I can comfort him and-"
"And have your hand nearly mauled off?! I don't think so! It's not happening."
As I was protesting, there was a clunk sound, and standing at the other side of the door was not what I expected.
"W-wh-what the hell?! Wait, what happened to him?! There's a huge wolf in there!!" I was absolutely terrified and confused. Before the guard could lock the door, it opened, and suddenly it was the boy standing before me once again.
Before the cop could react, I caught the boy in my arms as he began to fall. He was shaking in my arms as he looked around himself. I looked at the cop angrily.
"Maul me my ass! I'm taking him home with me, you've done enough"
"Actually, before I can let you do that, you've got some questions to answer me."
"I'll talk once I have a lawyer to sue your ass and this entire ward for abuse!" The room fell silent. I turned around and led the boy out with me. I know he depended on me to know where to go, but honestly I was scared. We both clung to each other in fear.
When we got out and a good distance away, I collapsed on the sidewalk and sighed. The boy fell next to me and curled up towards me. I took my jacket off and placed it over him. I was bigger than him so it pretty much covered him well enough.
"Damn you're skinny.. You're coming home with me now okay? I won't hurt you like them.. " I paused looking at him. He looked back up to me. "Do you.... I wonder if you even remember me." I patted his head and lifted him up onto my back. He completely freaked out at first and nearly chocked me to death, but eventually he relaxed a little.
The walk was tiring, but eventually we got into my house and I let him down in the bathroom. His entire stomach was covered by bandages so he knew what he was to do next would be difficult.
"You're definitely getting a bath before I let you just go around my house." I quickly ran over to the shower and turned it on. I watched him sniff around and look around curiously at his surroundings, and it was honestly adorable.
I removed my own clothes, feeling it would be easier if I got in with him, and led him into the shower with me.
The stares were definitely not something I was comfortable with but I dealt with them.
"Okay, just stay still and let's get this over with."
1 1/2 hours later..
"You're so much trouble.." I sat on my bed as the kid excitedly ran about sniffing at everything. I knew that when my parents would come home, they wouldn't be very happy about the new member of the family.
Especially since he can turn into a wolf.
That heart attack happened earlier in the shower while I was scrubbing his back.
"Hey, you're gonna end up hurting yourself if you keep running around like that." He turned his head to me and grinned. He suddenly jumped on top of me and laid his head on my chest begging for me to pet him. He was a dog by heart.
"Jeez, what am I going to call you by? You don't even have a name.." His eyes looked into mine and he grinned again. "Actually, I think I might just call you Wolf, considering you practically are one." He seemed to perk up at his new name and I smiled. I sat up making him do so as well.
"I am Anthony. Anthony." I pointed to myself repeating my name. After a few times of pointing and repeating, I pointed to him. "You are Wolf. Wolf." I pointed to him and continued to repeat. Then I started over to make sure if he understood.
He did.
"Aaaah... Aaannt-t-thooonnnyyy!!" I grinned and he smiled. He kept repeating my name until he could pronounce it perfectly. He had an accent but I didn't expect much of it, after all he was only just learning to speak.
"I"m home!"
My moms voice echoed through the house, startling Wolf and making him coward into me. I gently pried him off and replied.
"Okay mom! Uh, mom! I brought over company!"
Suddenly my mother was running down the hallway and jumped on me and hugged me.
"My child finally made a friend and even brought them home!! Oh u just have to meet them!"
"Moooom! You're seriously scaring him!"
"Hmm?" She finally looked over to Wolf, who was sorta silently looking at her and at the door. "Oh what's your name? I'm Anthony's mother, just call me Mrs. Ackerman."
I was surprised he even managed to somewhat understand my mother. Though, with his hesitant response, I could tell it hurt my moms ego a little.
More like 'Mrs. I Always Get What I Want'.
"Ah he doesn't really talk much, he only recently moved from a foreign country so he's still learning English." My mom seemed to brighten up a bit more after that.
"Oh good! You can learn more languages as well then and take over the family business in the future! Now anyways, I'll go make some dinner for you and your friend." My mom walked out of the room and I sighed. I looked over to petrified Wolf and couldn't help but laugh.
"Ah jeez, you're really smart! You know, that was mom. My mother." I began to tell him about my parents and other people that lived within the house. He learned pretty quickly.
"Anthony." I turned towards him to see what he wanted all of the sudden. He moved up and rubbed his face against my own.
Too close.
"Uhm.. Wolf?" He moved his face and grinned. We were using my computer to compare my family with the wolves and he did his best to circle around the entire pack and point to me.
"F-f-fffaaaam-millyyy! Anthony, you family!" I felt my cheeks redden in embarrassment and happiness. I ended up hugging him without thinking about how he may react. I was relieved he stayed still and curious.
"Wolf, you're such a huge dork.. But I'm so glad I found you again." I brushed aside his hair on his head and held him.
About 3 minutes later, Wolf had passed out in my arms. It became clear to me how tired he had actually been.
But he looked so strange, and I was a curious idiot, so I kinda looked him over.
I mean, yeah I may have played with his lips a little, but only to see how sharp his little fangs were. And I may have looked over his stomach and back, but only to look over his wounds!
I was thankful that he didn't protest when I gave him clothes earlier, though my clothes were still baggy, it looked kinda cute.
Wait... What?
Whaaaaat the hell am I thinking about??
I softly put him down and put the covers over him. I was going to get up to see my mom but he quickly grabbed me and I was forced to stay next to him as he slept.
I must've passed out at some point, because it was now dark when I woke up.
And I couldn't find Wolf.
"Wolf?? Wolf?" I ran down the stairs, only to find that he was sitting at the dinner table, being practically forced to listen to my mothers rambling.
"Anthony!" Wolf spotted me which made my mom look towards me.
"Why didn't you wake me up for dinner?"
"Well.. You looked exhausted but Wolf was just sorta sitting next to you so I brought him to eat. And I must say, he eats like an animal!" My mom was laughing but I was horrified to forget about teaching him manners.
"Anthony!! Sit here!" Wolf patted the seat next to him and I slipped into it.
"I started to teach him a few things while you were away.. Since I know how your dad can be and all, I decided to try to make him feel more comfortable so he doesn't get on your dads bad side immediately when he gets home."
"Wow, that was actually pretty helpful. Thanks for that."
"Anthony, he really doesn't know anything about a kitchen. What country did you say he was from again?"
"Oh uhm, from the Amazon! He's from the amazon jungle and they didn't have much contact with other people. So he's practically like an Amish person who can't speak."
"Annntthhoonnyy!!" Wolf started pulling on my shirt for my attention and he pointed at the food. "Eat."
"Oh uh yeah right." I sent a silent prayer before digging into dinner. I never felt so awkward while eating before. I had eyes on me. The. Whole. Time.
But I could see he examined the way I used utensils. He watched the way I held a fork and knife. He watched how I lifted the cup and everything!
"Okay I'm done. I'm bringing Wolf back upstairs with me." I got down off the stool and took Wolf by the hand and had him follow me. I fell onto my bed and Wolf followed my actions, collapsing next to me. He smiled excitedly about it and looked to me. I looked back and went to pat his head, but he simply took my hand and held onto it. He seemed to examine it, and I suddenly became the one having their body looked over. I was honestly embarrassed as he got on top of me and looked over my stomach and chest. I wasn't really impressive or anything like that, but Wolf didn't seem to mind. He softly felt my chest, and stopped over my heart. He was smiling and looked up to my eyes.
"Are you curious about me?" I know he didn't quite understand what I said, but it seemed to catch him off guard and he got off of me. He seemed nervous and I couldn't contain my laughter. His face became red and he gently let out a small grumbling sound, a growl to be more precise.
"Anthonyy.. Nnnggg.." I smiled and patted his head. He looked at me and started to relax again.
Suddenly I had temptation hit me. It was so sudden and strong, I became dizzy from it for a moment. I moved up to him and without giving a single thought, I gently placed my lips on his cheek. Time seemed to pause for a moment before I got back to my senses. Wolf looked at me completely strange. And just by the look he was giving me I knew he knew it was a sign of affection. I moved up to me and kissed under my chin. I felt my cheeks blush and I covered my face.
I'm becoming extremely weird just from a kiss.
"I'm going take a shower. You sit there and do whatever you want." I got up and started to grab some clothes. I heart footsteps quickly hit the floor and then I was grabbed from behind. Wolf had dug his claws into my shirt and wasn't letting go.
"Anthony sit with Wolf!" I felt something inside me tick, and before I knew it, I ended up bringing Wolf with me to the bathroom.
I finally caught on that the reason Wolf trusted me so much was because he was afraid and lonely. I couldn't leave him alone anymore, I just felt that I had go protect him. He was stronger than me, and I felt stupid for even wanting to do this, but my body just did what it wanted. So I let Wolf sit on the floor while I showered.
A cold shower to make me wake up and enter back into reality and to stop taking advantage of Wolf.
When I stepped out, I saw Wolf drinking water from the sink.
Eww tab water.
But it wasn't the only thing I noticed. Wolf had also tore his shirt off along with the bandages.
He was completely healed besides a few scars on his stomach.
"W-what are you doing??" I wrapped my towel around my waist and started to pick up the remains of bandages and my t-shirt and threw them in the trash. I looked at him and he was giving me that look all dogs give when they've done something bad.
Ah damn the first thought that popped into my head!
"D-don't give me that look! It's fine!" I went over to him and patted his head before getting dressed. He held onto me from behind and so I picked him up and brought him back to my room. I dropped him down onto the bed and picked up the remote for the tv and turned it on.
Big mistake.
I forgot to warn Wolf about it and the sound scared him causing him to jump on me and make me fall down on the ground. The remote landed somewhere in the distance of my room, but I became completely focused on Wolf. His eyes were wide and he was shaking. But the position he had fell on me in was the most awkward part.
"W-wait Wolf it's okay!!" Wolf only came closer to me and I jolted. Just the slightest rub against me had sent a rush of excitement through my body. I had placed my arms over his back and made him stay still. I was breathing abnormally heavy and I didn't understand why.
"A-Anthony..?" I saw Wolf's face becoming red and I could feel myself prodding him in the side. I looked away and covered my face again.
Wolf's actions came off as a surprise to me. He pressed down against me and I could feel him getting hard against me. He had me pinned under him as his hips kept grinding against my own. I was gasping and moaning lowly and Wolf would moan or grunt a few times. I couldn't take it anymore.
I suddenly sat up and started to pull off my pants and leaned myself against the bed. I looked up to Wolf who had also jumped out his pants and wrapped his arms around me. He left kisses along my neck as he gently prodded at me. He was leaking with precum and I began to throb myself. Then he pushed inside of me.
First thing I could think about was pain. Pain had filled my mind but slowly became not as bad as Wolf gently kissed me and repositioned me to feel better. I felt completely hot and in pain at the same time, but I wanted him to do more.
"Wolf... Wolf..! Ahh it's okay.. Don't stop..!" Wolf buried his face into my back as he fucked me senseless. I couldn't think as only pleasure filled my mind. Wolf became the same way and we ended up going at it for hours.
In the morning, my ass hurt like hell, but it wasn't so bad since I had Wolf in my arms. He was adorable halfway transformed with his fluffy tail and ears. He opened his wild eyes and smiled seeing my face. I gently kissed his lips and he kissed me back.
I wasn't being overwhelmed with pleasure, I had come to realize I had always been in love with Wolf from the very start.
My werewolf.

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