Stand Up For Your Brother

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Luke's POV

I knew North was mad at me, but I was at the point that I no longer cared. Nothing I did pleased him. I'm sorry for what my father did to him, but I had no part in it. My father had already been married to his mother and living in Germany by the time I was born. I had never even met the man and had no interest in doing so.

I think that Uncle realized that I needed to get away from North for a while or I would explode. Blackbourne was also getting on my nerves. Surprising, yeah, I'm usually the most easy going guy on the team. I was fed up being treated like a child. So what that I didn't have forceful personality, I did pretty good the way I was. I don't want to devote my entire life being a thief for Blackbourne, I had dreams that I wanted to make reality.

When Blackbourne kicked Victor off the team for such an asinine reason, I had enough of his bullshit. Then he kicked me off the team for daring to stand up for my brother in all but blood. It made me see him in a different light, one I didn't like.

Victor and I were both pretty furious. Our best friends since Kindergarten had not said a word to defend us. They sided with Blackbourne and turned their backs on us. We went to talk to Victor's grandfather and told him everything. We were hurt and felt betrayed. Mr. Morgan summoned Uncle and it was decided I would go to Massachuetts with Victor. Mr. Morgan found a Culinary School that was near M.I.T. for me. I was quite happy about it since it fit with my plans to become a chef.

Why do you think Luke believed he was being treated like a child?

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