chapter 25

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Elsas POV

When the man wasnt looking I broke free of his grip and started to run as fast as I could. Not just away from drago but away from hiccup. Our short encounter had brought up memories that I had worked so hard to forget. As I ran I began shooting ice at everything associated with drago while trying to fight all of the exhastion that I felt. But that's when somebody grabbed me from behind and pulled out a knife. I found myself looking at dragos well trusted colleague. Eret.

"You shouldn't have done that" then he raised the knife. I tried to form an escape plan in my mind. I was too tired to fight him off at the moment. And I had trouble trying to figure out an escape plan

"WE NEED HER ALIVE IF WE WANT TO TAKE ARENDELLE!" Drago shouted from far off before he could do anything. I didnt know if I was relieved or afraid. Relieved that I would still live but afraid of being at the hands of these ruthless tyrants. I looked to where drago was standing and i saw hiccup trying to get away from his father. He looked so desperate. If he could fake loving me there is no doubt in my mind that this is just another one of his acts. But eret still held onto the knife not willing to let it go. He only smirked evilly at me

"He only said alive. Not unharmed"

Hiccups POV

What i heard next was the most horrible sound I had ever heard in my entire life. A cry of pain. Elsas cry of pain. It only made me more desperate to get away from my father and help her. The sound tore me in two and ripped through me like physical pain

"Dad let me go! I need to save her! I need to help her please!" His face remained emotionless but there was a sadness

"Shes no one son"

"I love her dad! Now let me go!" And as soon as I said that my father looked horrified. Then I heard a loud roar. I looked to see the two alphas fighting it out. And theirs was winning. My sromach twisted when i realized that we would lose and drago would go to burk. Along with elsa.

And finally our alpha fell and was killed by theirs. I could only watch as elsa was dragged away onto hat dreaded ship. If she dies I would never be able to forgive myself. She probably feels abandoned by me. Since I never came to visit her. That maybe I had forgotten her. I was snapped out of my line of thought when a loud ear splitting roar emited from the large grey alpha. And all of the dragons flew towards it. He was taking control of them. I looked to see toothless having trouble flying. He cant fly without a rider and soon the alpha will leave. And then drago hops ontop of him.

"NO! LEAVE TOOTHLESS ALONE!" I shout. But even if he did hear me he ignored me. And soon they all left this islnad and began the journey towards burk.


Astrids POV

I cant believe this. Burk is left defenceless. And we cant do a thing. Our dragons along with eveything else is gone. At least stormfly isnt under dragos influence like toothless. Hiccup finally remembers elsa and knowing that she might die must be driving him insane. How on earth are we going to get back? Then I notice the baby dragons. They were still here and big enough to ride. I run towards hiccup.


I finally find him sitting on the floor deep in thought. Hes probably trying to come up with a plan to get off this island. His mother was trying to comfort him and fishlegs was there trying to remain calm but he was obviously panicking. Snotlout was trying to play it cool and the twins were being the twins. Which means trying to claw eah others eyes out.

"What if we use all the wood left over from the ships that sank a d rehashing the sails to make a small boat and then we could sail back to burk" hiccup cried out

"That would take too long. Burk would be taken over and there would be no chance" his father reasoned against his plan. Then he shot up on his feet and he looked really angry

"Well I refuse to just sit here while elsa is in danger!" He shouts

"So you really do remember" his father remarks.

"Yeah I do. And I wont sit here and wait for the news of her death. Mom what about the baby dragons?"

"What about them?" She replies

"They're still here so they must be immune to the alphas call s-"

"So we could use them to get back to burk" I interrupt

"Exactly. Now let's go"

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