This is where I belong

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3 days later

Hiccups POV

I wake to rays of sunlight hitting my face. I slowly open my eyes to see elsa still sleeping in my arms again, her head rested lighty where my heart would be. Wisps of her hair falling in her face. Shes been doing that for the past few nights. And I loved waking to this. It was my new favorite thing. And it made me feel better knowing that she was safe. Shes been a bit freaked out. Who wouldnt be after going through what shes gone through. I slowly get up without waking her. It doesnt go to well. Her bright blue eyes flutter open

"I didnt mean to wake you" I say softly. She needed her rest. I knew she would never admit it but I could tell she was. I didnt want her to hurt herself. Allthpugh she is a tuff girl and maybe im just being the overprotectuve boyfriend. Boyfriend. I liked the thought of us being that type of thing to each other. Allthough we hadnt really said it aloud and made it official it was what it felt like

"No its fine" she says. As long as shes awake I need to ask her something. I was curious about one thing but I guess im always curious

"Elsa what happened to you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Elsa how did you get hurt so badly? What happened?"

"I-I just took a fall is all" fear flashed through her eyes. I hated to remind her of somethng like this but i needed to know. And I had a nagging feeling that she was lieing.

"Elsa you dont end up with an arrow in your stomach just by falling" I brush a strand of hair out of her face

"Elsa its okay. You can tell me"

"Arendelles royal guard found me" I had nearly forgotten she was the queen of arendelle. Ive been too busy worrying about her condition I guess.

"Why would they shoot you?" I ask her. If she was a queen (im still wrapping my head around that) why would the guard harm her? Why would anyone harm her?

Elsas POV

I debate on wether or not I should tell him. I think that maybe I should. Ive been keeping secrets too long.

"I had a sister once. When we were little we would always play with my powers in the castle. Building snowmen, having snowball fights or making forts. It was always so fun" I say smiling at the memories

"So you werent always afraid of your powers?" Hiccup asks

"No I wasnt. Back then it was easier to control them because they werent that strong but now I find them nearly impossible. Anna was jumping between snowbanks I made. She started going too fast and I freaked out. I slipped and hit her in the head. Part of her hair turned white. She nearly died. Because of me" the memory still haunts me

"Elsa that was an accident. Shes fine now though" he says. Somehow he made me feel a lot better about it. It wasnt easy for me to open up to people but hiccup has somehow chaged that for me. Nobody has been able to do that for me

"Afte that I shut myself out until I could control them. I barely saw anna. When my parents died in a ship wreck I found everything twice as hard to control. My powers reflect my mood. If im mad scared or stressed they get out of control." Hiccup just grabs my hand lightly squeezing it

"Then how did you end up here?" He asks

"It was the day of my coronation. Everything was going well. Then anna said she was engaged to man she literally met like an hour ago and I refused to bless the marriage. She grabbed my glove that I wear to kepp my powers under control. Annas memories were removed of my powers so she never knew why she was shut out. And she just kind of flipped out and yelled at me. And I lost control." I said the last part a hit more quietly. I still remember the look on her green eyes. Confused, hurt and sad. Everybody afraid of me. That was why I waa afraid of staying here" Hiccup just leaned down and kissed my forehead

"Its okay els. Im here" he whispers, gebtly kissing y forehead

"I ran to the north mountain. Which is where I found eva. It wasnt long before anna and her best friend kristoff found me. I sent them away for their safety. Then the guard came and tried to bring me back to arendelle by force. So I flew off on eva and not long after I ended up here." I wiped a tear off my face. Missed arendelle and anna horribly. It was my home. Ive sepent my whole life there. But this is my new home. Its going to be my new home. Maybe when im ready I can send anna a letter. But for now I was happy to be with hiccup who had wrapped his arms tightly around me to make me feel better about my past. And in that second I knew. This is where I belong

( have changed the title of this to secrests as you may have already noticed. Thats just me for ya. I always have better titles and descrptions halfway through the book. But anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter)

secretsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora