A good dream

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Several months laterd

Elsas POV

I reached over and checked the time. 2:30 AM. surely no one would be up at this hour. That is except for me of course. Im awake because I had a good dream. Normally you would enjoy a good dream and of course stay asleep. Me well this particular good dream disturbed me because it featured hiccup. Its been 5 months since he broke me. Ive been depressed and lonely and just an overall mess.

Anna is worried about me but im handling it I guess. I miss him more then I can say. I doubt he misses me. Hes probably forgotten about me. Either that or hes rejoicing over the face that im gone. I havent been able to get back to sleep so I decide to take a walk out in the gardens. But first I slip out of my pajamas into some black sweat pants, a blue takntop with a baggy sweatshirt over it.

I walk past the letter he wrote on the way out. It was laying on my dresser. I havent moved it. maybe its time to move on from him. I grab the letter and rip it into tiny little pieces. I throw it in the fireplace in the cornor of my room and watch as the pieces of paper curl up and turn brown, then to black and then to nothing. I quickly turn around and walk out to the gardens.

Im at the very far edge, closest by the woods at my favorite spot when I near a strange noise. I turn arpund to see who it is. I see a large man covered in scars infront of me and I jumped

"My apologies queen. I didnt mean to scare you" he simply said. He had long black dreadlocks. A cloak of dragon skin. Dragon skin. Hes a dragon killer. He could be hunting eva. I wont let that happen.

"Oh relax my queen. This was my fathers. Famiy heirloom. I have no interest in killing any dragons" I smile and heave a huge sigh of relief. My gut kept telling me to go back in. This guy seemed a bit off to me

"Ecxuse me" I say trying to step by him. But he just blocks my path

"Sir im sorry I need to get back to the castle so if you could please move" I say politely but trying to sound authoritive as well.

"Afraid I cant do that my queen" he says simply

"And why not?" I say trying to sound calm. But to be honest the situation scared me

"We shall soon find out" then four or five men jump me pinning me to the ground

"I command you to unhand me this instant!" I say queenlike. But my voice cracks pathetically. I manage to find a weak spot and I blast them away with ice and run towards the castle where its safe. But somebody grabs me from behind, covering my mouth with some sort of cloth. I fight and kick but nothing happens. The only thing that does happen is little dark spots creeping into my vision. My eyes close and I drift off to sleep

??? POV

one of my men drags the unconcious queen over to me.

"Tie her hands and bring her to the ship. There is no time to waste" they nod and run off with the queen. I take one last look behind me to make sure no is around but I find no one. I drop a small note on the bench. She is perfect. Im sure there is nothing the young hiccup of burk wont do to protect his little girlfriend. Might save us a few men if he hands burk over willngly.

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