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Elsas POV

"Come on men move shes getting away!" Someone yells. Then a guard appears infront of me. Crossbow aimed and ready to fire. I turn back the other way and start running again. Then I see another guard facing me. I hear another zwink and everything seems to go numb. All I hear are echos and all I see is blur

"You idiot! We needed her alive by order of princess anna!" One yells. I look down and see that my blue flying suit is stained red and a arrow is stucking out of my stomach. I fall down to the grund and my eyes close and the world turns to black

Evas POV (I felt I neede to give her a POV and it kind of fits the story I guess. Anyways back to the story)

I woke up from my trance. I look around but I dont see my friend. Other dragons refer to their riders as master but I refer to mine as my best friend. She is everything to me and I to her. I sniff the air and catch her scent. I know her scent well. I follow it and I find men huddled around her. One with red hair and sideburns is checking for pulse. I growl and fire a warning shot at a nearby tree. They notice and all run for the hills.

I walk up to her and see a ginormous gash on her arm and a stick in her stomach. She is badly bruised and beaten as well. Her eyes are closed but she seems to be breathing. I need to do something or else she is going to die! I cant lose my best friend! I drag her to a nearby cave and do my best to shelter her.

I take one last look at her and fly away. I know of one person that can help her. Hiccup. We dragons have a better sense of character then humans do. And I know hiccup will help her because he loves her

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