FINALLY UPDATE!! (Now with questions!)

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"Hey, wazzup? I gotta question for you and it's pretty good... (Here goes nothin')

*Points at sans "shoes"* WHAT ARE THOSE?!"

Sans: Uh... Shoes.


"Hi i am skullie the skeleton. Can i .... uuummm sorry if i am shy this is my first time meeting you so can i hang out with you something? #Blushes"

Sans: *shrugs and smiles* Sure, kiddo. Why not.


"Wait, where the flower?"

Sans: ....... Let's... Not talk about it.


Sans: I can deal with the haters of the game. However, the haters of my bro, *left eye glows* They're gonna have a BAD TIME.


"Hey sans, how can you tell when a skeletons lying?"

Sans: When you see right through him.

Papyrus: *from the other room* SANS STOP WITH THOSE STUPID PUNS


"Hey I think you are a very cute skeleton and I was wondering if you'd like to go on I'm a date?"

Sans: Sorry, I'm off the market right now.

Kit: Lies, you just have a crush on Toriel.


Kit: *maniacal laughter*


"I ship you with Grillby so much." and "Sans please help me. I'm running a confessions blog and I'm drowning in sin. This is one of the confessions in the inbox: "I want to get dunked on by sans, sexually."

Help me please."

Sans: *looks in disgust*

((Sorry, I ship Soriel, however I do imagine a friendship love between them! Also, that's scary but hilarious!! XD))


"My friend gave everyone Undertale nicknames and insisted he was Sans, but he can't make jokes, so please can you give me some for him to tell?"

Sans: *hands you a joke book*


"Sans, if Papyrus where to dissapear, what would you do?"

Sans: *left eye glows* We all seen what happens if that ever happens.

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