W.D. Gaster (Spoilers and Long)

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Papyrus: Sans? Who is this W.D. Gaster?

Sans: ...

Papyrus: Well?

Sans: Pap... Go to your room...

Papyrus: What?! Why?!

Sans: Just do so, Pap.

Papyrus: *walks to his room and closes his door*

Sans: W.D. Gaster was our dad. I know a lot of you were expecting it, but what happened to him, I'm still not ready to tell Pap. I was probaly 12 at the time, and Pap was 2. We already lost our mom to an illness many years before... But anyway.


Late One night, I couldn't sleep so I decided to watch some TV in the living room. Then, few hours later, I recieved a phone call from dad's work.

"Hello?" I asked, still rubbing the sands out of my eyes.

"Sans? This is the Royal Lab speaking. We..." There was a pause and I could tell something wasn't right. "You two love your dad very much, don't you?" The person asked.

"Yes sir. Why...? Why do you ask?"

"Well, my boy... I'm afraid we have terrible news... Your father, has died, in an accident..."

My heart froze, I sat on the couch next to the phone. The man on the phone continued, "He fell into the core, but before he fell, as if he knew he wasn't going to make it... He wanted to tell you and your brother how much he loved you."

I felt tears building up in my eyes, I... I wanted to scream and yell out my sorrows, but I didn't want to wake my brother with my despair.

"Are you still there, Sans?" The man asked.

"Y-Yessir..." I responded, my voice choked with tears.

"My boy, I'm very VERY sorry... But you have to be strong for your brother, you're the man of the house now. Please, if you need anything, just give me and my wife a call, and we'll be there in a flash."

How can I be strong, I only have 1 hp, how am I suppose to be the man of the house now? I nodded and said our goodbyes and hung up the phone. Instantly I could hear Papyrus crying from his room. I walked upstairs and picked him up from his crib, "What's the matter, bro? Can't sleep?"

He continued to cry, and I felt like crying some more after the news.

"Hey b-baby bro, do you wanna hear a joke? Why did the skeleton walk the street? To get to the BODY shop." He continued to cry, causing my tears to return. Then I felt a tiny hand touch my face, and it was Papyrus. He stopped crying and look at me with worried eyes. Whoever said that babies can't express emotions is a liar. I hugged him tighter. It felt like hours just hugging Pap and crying my eye sockets out.

It wasn't until years later, that I heard about our dad haunting the labs. So when I was about 25, I did some investigating. I was walking down a corridor, until I noticed a grey door. So, I opened it and saw what looked like our dad but looked melted. When he talked, I realized that it was him, but he didn't recognized me. He attacked me with a Gaster Blaster, I dodged it as fast as I could.

"Dad! It's me! Sans!" I yelled out, but he kept attacking me. I figured if I touched him, I could maybe negotiate with him and calm him down. So, I kept dodging until I reached him then I place his hand on his shoulder, but with the touch he vanished. I walked out to see the door was no more...


Sans: *has tears in his eyes* A-And... I can't tell Pap, because he won't remember him. He was only a baby... And if I tell him, he'll think I'm crazy... That's why I can't tell him... That's how I know Gaster...

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