"Oh my goodness thank you Heather." I said as I leaned up to give her a hug. 

"Just thought you guys would like it, since you get bored all the time. We can watch movies or just mess around on the computer. I already connected it to the hospital's WIFI."

"Thank you so much!!" I said to her.

"But, please, no Tweeting. I don't crazy fans running around my god damn hospital looking for Niall Horan!...Again!" She said that and shot Niall a glare.  He gave her a smile in return and then shoved a POP-TART into his mouth.

 I remember when Niall Tweeted and then about 5 minutes alter Heather came in yelling at Niall cause she had to go get crazy fans out of the hospital. But that happened like a week ago. But t was still really funny. And after that happened Niall had to call management and that is why I now have 2 security guards standing outside my door.

Heather left the room and promised she would be back to see me before lunch time. I opened the laptop and logged onto my Tweeter. It had been like 3 weeks since I had been on. And I had a lot of notifications and stuff. I read some of the stuff people were saying about me.

 (I don't know if these are real Tweeter accounts but if they are I am sorry!)

@Cassie_MArrow this bitch is so faking it. She is just trying to get the boys attention. Like seriously bitch? You need that much attention?

    @1Dfan_may said that. I wanted to laugh at it but I was actually hurt by it.

@Cassie_MArrow I know you are hurt and all. But you are just messing with the boys careers. They are so worried about you. Stop being a attention whore. #whorealret

    @JAmiehoran32 said that one.

 @Cassis_MArrow Are you seriously trying to take Niall away from me? Bitch that isn't going to happen. He hates you. He says that all the time in interviews. He just feels sorry for you cause you are an ugly motherfucker who doesn't have any friends. Niall hates you so get that through you head you dipshit. #sorrynotsorry

    @NiallMARRY_1D said that one.

I think the last one hurt the most.

"Cassie? Why are you crying?" I heard Niall ask. I didn't even know that I was crying until Niall said I was, I quickly wiped the tears off my cheeks.

"No. I am fine."  I lied. I tried not to make it sound like I was crying but I think I failed. He got up and took the computer out of hands. I tried my hardest to hold unto it but he was to strong. He looked at the screen then let out a sigh. He closed the computer and set it down.

He got up from his chair and crawled onto the bed and layed down next to me. I felt him wrap his arms around my waist and pull my closer to him.

"Shhh. It is okay. Just ignore what they said. They don't mean it. They are just some crazed fans." he whispered in my ear. He stroked my hair which gave me a sense of comfort. I couldn't help but cry even harder.

"Cass, you have to calm down. Babe, please stop crying." I turned so that I face to face with Niall. he gave me a smile and wiped my tears away with his thumb. I snuggled up closer to him and buried my head in his chest as I felt his grip on me tighten. 

"Cassie, I love you. I always have and I always will." Niall said. He lifted my chin with the tips of his fingers so that i had to look at him in the eye.

"I love you too" I said as a tear fell from my eye. He wiped it way and I placed my head back on his chest.

*****NIALL'S POV*****

Cassie fell asleep so I pulled out my phone. Then got onto Tweeter.

Why would you guys treat @Cassie_MArrow like you are? I love her and she makes me happy. So you should respect that. She doesn't deserve the hate. She has done nothing wrong to you. If you don't  respect her then click the 'unfollow' button and don't you dare call yourself a Directioner. #ILoveHer #StopHatingOnCassie

I put my phone away when Heather walked in. She gave me the look then went to go check Cassie machines.

"It is lunch time. Do you want something?" She asked me in a whisper since Cass was sleeping

"Just something to snack on would be great. Thank you." I said then she left the room. I gave Cassie a kiss on top of her head and pulled her closer to me. Heather walked in and placed an apple down on the table.

"I will be back in an hour or so to check up on you two." She said the existed the room.


Cassie woke up an hour later.

"Hey, beautiful. How are feeling?" I asked her as she rubbed her eyes.

"I'm hungry." She said as she nodded her head. 

"When Heather comes back in she will get you some food. She should be back soon. " I said then gave her peck on the forehead. Cassie layed back down and put her head on my chest again. I closed my eyes and took in the silence. well not silence. There was still a hum from the machines and stuff.

"Niall, get out of the bed. Cassie needs to eat." I heard a voice and opened my eyes to see Heather. She was holding a tray of food. She gave me the look. "Up. Now" she said then i quickly got out of the bed. She raised Cassie's bed so she was now sitting up.

" Here. Eat up sweety."she handed Cassie the tray of food then looked at the screen on the machines. She let out a gasp then looked at me.

"Hey umm Niall. I need some help with something. It will only take about 2 minutes." She walked out the room then motioned me to follow her. I stood up an followed her. She closed the door behind me.

"What I am about to tell you, you can't anybody. Not even the doctors. They will want to run a million test on her. And I don't want them doing that to her. Do you understand?"

"Oh uh yeah." I nodded my head then put my hands into my jean pockets.

"Cassie's monitor is showing nerve movement." she paused for a little bit then let out a small sigh of relief. "It is showing in her legs."

"W-what does that mean?"

"It means. That she might be able to use her legs again." My eyes went huge. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. All i could do was give her a hug.

"Niall, I don't you to tell anyone. Not even her."

"Why not?"

"Cause. It could be wrong. I will run some test tomorrow myself. I am going to reset the monitor encase any of the other nurses or doctors see the reading too. I don't want anyone to know."

I gave my head a nod then walked back into the room and Heather went the other way down the hall.

"What did she need you to do?" Cassie asked when I walked back into the room.

"Oh don't worry about it Love. It wasn't a big deal."



Cassie went to sleep really late. She couldn't sleep I guess. Heather left her laptop here so we could watch a movie. We ended up watching Pitch Perfect when she finally fell asleep. I wanted to tell her the news so bad. But I couldn't. 

*******Author's Note********


1) Do you think Heather is a nice person?

2) Do think that the reading was correct or wrong?

3) What is your favorite music video of One Direction?

4) What do you want to happen next?!

5) Do you guys want me to write a sequel to this story????


   Katie <3

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