「Chapter Four - A Start」

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"During their first year, the Vytal Festival had taken place in Vale. Aunt Thyra had made quick friends with all sorts of cadet Huntsmen while Qrow managed to flirt with the visiting girls." Yang shook her head, a faint smile on her face. "But Aunt Thyra's innocent friendships made him fume with jealousy. Meanwhile, she acted like his flirting meant nothing at all."

The young male waved at the two girls walking away from him. They flittered away with tinkling giggles, as they also waved. Still smirking, he turned around and he felt himself seething at the sight before him. Thyra was talking to one of the members of team ROSA, more specifically, the supposed charmer of the team, Acacallis Argyris.

He was undeniably handsome. Some say that he was made by the hands of the goddess of beauty herself. They called him a chiseled and chivalrous man. He had begun talking to Thyra after her battle with Shoshan, whom she had been associating with more. The constant attention she received from others filled Qrow to the brim with envy.

Thyra waved as she departed, the rest of her team waiting for her, as they prepared for the team matches. Acacallis wished her a brief good luck, before entering the stadium through the audience entrance.

Qrow was left standing, full of irritation. His eye twitched, as the entire scene replayed through his head. Watching Thyra laugh at whatever the other male had said to her. That smile she gave was only supposed to be for Qrow.

He shook his head, clearing it of the sudden onslaught of thoughts. He groaned, realizing his possessive thoughts, and tried his best to keep himself at bay. He felt the urge to punch himself for thinking such a thing when Thyra was so... Free-spirited.

He sighed walking into the stadium, and wasn't surprised by the incessant cheering of the crowd, as the two teams stood in the centre facing each other.

"For this match, we have team PRDT from Vacuo and team PLTD from Vale. Both are amazing teams, but have quite different battling techniques. Let's see how this match goes."

Everyone watched with baited breath as the holograms began to randomize, the different environment choices passing by at a quick pace, before slowing down, and stopping at a forest and tall grass environment.

"Home field advantage for us, huh?" Dimma grinned, as she made eye contact with the opposing leader's dark violet eyes. "Good luck."

"Thanks, but you might need it more. Home field doesn't mean you have the advantage. Just because you have the forest on your-" the leader began, but was cut off by Letta.

"Both of these environments are home field." She smirked, pulling out her sword. "Our village is in quite the diverse area. We know how to hunt in both of these fields."

The timer had finished counting down, signalling the beginning of the match, and the four girls split off into twos, going to different halves of the stage.

"Team PLTD is obviously using these environments to their advantage. Living on the outskirts of the kingdom of Vale, their village is located near various habitats, causing all the villagers to be adapted to their surroundings. Pina and Dimma have gone off in the long grass, while Thyra and Letta have split to the forest. I'm quite excited to see this match unravel!"

"Thanh, Davin, head to the long grass. Rim, let's move on to the forest. Let's go!" The leader declared, and they also split.

"This is quite interesting! Pitambar has also decided to have the team split up, and take the girls on in two on two matches. I wonder how these smaller fights will go."

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