The coffee shop

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I wonder If I should've said yes but I like him but I still like Mark but I consider Jack my best friend but now he's my boyfriend ugh if we break up it would ruin our friendship or not ugh now I wish I never said yes I'm so worried.i was on s train of thought in study hall when Dan and Phil walked up to me "hey you ready for coffee" Dan said "yeah...I guess" I said kinda sadly "what's up?" Phil said "I'll tell you at coffee" I said " ok " they both said And we walked to the Starbucks and sat down In a booth "so what's up" Dan said "I'm just worried" I said "is it about-" Phil was trying to say fangirls but I interrupted him "no...I'm dating Jack and I'm just thinking I should've said no because it would ruin our friendship " I said "oh or is it because you and Mark kissed" Dan said "a little but mostly because of friendship" I said and then Jack looked pissed when he walked over "hi" I said "what the fuck is this"Jack said madly "a post" I said "if you and Mark kissing I should've known I couldn't trust Mark" Jack said madly "hey it was before we even dated" I yelled "well I don't care I want you to stay away from him" Jack said "no you know why I should've said no to you because your being a jackass for no apparent reason and I'm worried about our friendship" I said madly yelling and I got up and shoved Jack out of the way and ran away crying
Phil's POV
Dang Jack was being a Jerk
"What the hell was that Jack " Dan yelled "me trying to keep my girlfriend" Jack said madly "well that didn't help one fucking bit did it you probably broke it more then fixed it" Dan yelled "well...nevermind I have nothing to oppose" Jack said and got up and ran the direction of where maddy went

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