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I woke up pretty late today jumping out of my bed and rushing to get ready, pulling jeans over boots and fuddled at the sight in front of me, all the horses looked groomed and a few even had sweat glistening among their soft coat. Confused, I looked around for an explanation, seeing a figure walking a grey stallion I was fond of brought back yesterdays memory's. The farm hand, had gotten up pretty early I assumed, It was eight now and three hours of work seemed to be finished.

Later on it was mid-day and everywhere I went looking for work, everything was done and looked like Lane had done it long ago or I just missed him. My brother always said us Wests are deadliest when bored, I think I was starting to think I was true based on my next decision. One that didn't end every well.


I was glaring at the ranch hand who had the audacity to say what he just said, does he know my hand works and is willing to hit him?

"What, What do you expect?" I asked glaring ice in his direction. I tell him I'm bored and he expects what?

"Come on its just a shirt take it off." Lane tried to soften me. I shook my head and took a step away from the river.

"When hell freezes over, Cowboy." I shook my head again taking another step away from him but he grabbed my hand and yanked me to him.

"Come on, you'll still have a bra..." He pulled me closer to the water my head going left to right unhappily.

"Still No. No. No. No. No.No."

"Come on, you said you liked water, come on, please." He looked at me with pleading brown eyes making me groan.

"Ugh fine." I snapped throwing my shirt over my head. He didn't protest one bit, he just dropped his light blue jeans making my cheeks turn as red as a new brand mark on a white Angus steer.

I shivered as my thigh hit the cold water, the cargo shorts that Lane gave me just reached above my knee and were too big so he took a bungee cord, put it threw the loops and brought the two hooks together.

"I don't know why I agreed to this." I groaned under my breath slipping into the cold water.


( One Year Later)

Lane turned out to be alright, He was pretty protective and a good help, which daddy took a good liking too. I had hardly any work, I sorta missed the work and felt I was getting chubbier, I didn't mind much though but I missed work. Lane always handled every single thing around here.

My momma considered him part of the family which reminded me of when we got my hunting dog 'Juno' I insisted he was family too. So the dinner table now consisted of Me, Dad, Momma, Lane, Juno and the barn cat I kinda hauled around most of the time, I liked that cat and I hate cats.

Today I had started school again and well when I got home dad and Lane insisted I tell them what happened, if any boys "attacked me" I declined, It was the same boys I grew up with.

Lane was like a older brother and I already had plenty of those and now him. I learned a lot about him too, his favorite colour, his family, favorite everything, I knew him pretty well now. My friends seemed to like him too but in a non- friend way. I swear Lacy looked at him like he was her favorite food, lickin' lips and everything.

"Lacy please stop looking at Lane, your startin' to scare me now, Darlin'." I chucked as she only seemed to stare at him harder.

"I can't help it, I've only talked to him a few times but Chandler, He is ugh! I want to attack him."

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