Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

                Louis said his prays.  Prayed to the big man upstairs because what is there else to do when someone’s life is in jeopardy.  No matter the amount of times he had screamed out to the pirates, they were not turning back for him.  Louis was going to die because those men did not want to deal with jail right now.  Nobody deserved something like this, to die with no purpose.  It’s been days since he has been on land, his father and mother are probably wondering where he disappeared off to and it’s not like he would ever be able to tell them what had happened.  They will forever live in the dark not knowing what had happened to their son.

Tears started to wheel in Louis’ eyes as he thought about this mother and the broken expression she is probably wearing and his sisters too!  God, they will not have the ability to grow up with their older brother anymore and have him take them to the open fields and the beaches – they loved going to the beach with him.  He loved his sisters so much; they were basically all he cared about in life.  It did not matter when a young maiden of his father’s friend would come to the house for a dinner and sit there and try and flirt, Louis’ sisters and mothers were all he wanted to be around.  He did not care if they had brown hair or blond, or if their eyes were blue or green, or that their body was the size of a toothpick or they are long and curvy; the wide round blue and dirty blond hair of his sisters were the only things he found beautiful.  It’s not like he was practically attracted to woman, he just preferred to stay away from them.

So as the water reaches to his waist, he just hopes life will treat them all right, and they can move on once he passes.  He could feel it creeping close, but he smiled for their sake, whispering his finally goodbyes.

- But something happened that not many people can explain, it was so sudden and he really did not know what to make of it.  The person (or whatever because where the fuck did they even come from?) just rose out from the water and “who the fuck even does that?!

The person (or thing, it’s a thing) smiled at him with this one-hundred watt smile and (“for fucks sakes,”) he has dimples.  Brown hair fell over his face, and when he ran his fingers through it to push it away it curled ever so slightly.  The boy studied Louis a little before flipping something out of the water and pointing to it with another heavily teethed smile.

Louis’ eyes nearly fell from his head; he could not believe what he was seeing.  His mouth dropped open and he stuttered a little.  “W-what?”  The boy (thing) just continued on smiling as if this is possibly the most normal thing ever.

“Wait—“ Louis eyes widened in realization.  “Oh my god, come here and untie me!” he exclaimed, his eyes pleading for the boy (thing) to at least understand him.

Although, all he got in reply was another smile and the boy disappearing back into the water, Louis just thought it was all a hallucination – God getting his hopes up as if he really is going to be saved.  The boat continued to sink and as it reached just below his chest the creature popped back out, but this time with a little green fish.

“Why do you have a fish?  Come untie me!”  Louis cried out, desperation masking his voice thick as he squirmed and wiggled, trying to find some way out.  The boy (“it’s a thing, get it right!”) furrowed his eyebrows and looked down at the green fish which had not squirmed one bit, before Louis could question anything the fish was being squished in between the hands of the creature.  The creature then held the mush out, offering it out for Louis.

Louis stared down at the green mush that used to be a fish, questioning the mental stability of the thing in front of him.  “I’m not eating that.” He snapped, wishing his hands were free so he could smack the green stuff from the others hands.

“But, it’ll help you.”  The boy murmured, his hands extending a little more.  Concern shone in his eyes and it truly looks gorgeous with the big green eyes and that rounded and stared right at him.

“Are you stupid?  I need you to untie me, not feed me a fish!” Louis groaned out, his teeth gritting together as he felt the water push against his neck.  “Help me!” he cried, and soon he had to desperately hold his head above the water as best he could.  He could see the glare coming from the freak in front of him, but he was too busy to try and save himself he did not care.

Gasping for air, his mouth hung wide open; the brunette swam forward and dumped the green mush down Louis’ throat.  He spluttered a little, but the boy took a large hand covered his mouth as they both emerged underneath the water's surface.

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